Page 415 - Area X - G
P. 415
C lassification of
Function Perform ance Perform ance M easures In term s of Quantity, Quality, and
SPF- Strategic M easures
Priority T im eliness
D eliverables Functions
CF- Core R esponsible
Functions Individual
SF- Support Quantity Quality T im eliness
CF/SF - Mutual Aid 5 - complete 5 - no complaints 5 - 2 working days from Finance Personnel
1 - incomplete 4 - one to two receipt of notice Administrative
complaints 4 - 3 working days Personnel
3 - three to four 3 - 4 working days
complaints 2- 5 working days
2 - five to six 1 - beyond 5 working
complaints days
1 - seven or more
CF/SF - Employees’ 5 - no complaints 5 - 2 working days from Campus Director
lodging 4 - one to two receipt of notice
complaints 4 - 3 working days
3 - three to four 3 - 4 working days
complaints 2- 5 working days
2 - five to six 1 - beyond 5 working
complaints days
1 - seven or more
SPF - Health and 5 - complete (all 5 - no complaints 5 - within schedule HRD personnel of all
wellness health and 4 - one to two 1 - beyond schedule campuses
programs wellness programs complaints PE & Sports
implemented) 3 - three to four
1 - incomplete complaints
2 - five to six
1 - seven or more
CF/SF • Personal 5 - complete 5 - no error 5 - 1 working day HRD personnel
records are 1 - incomplete 4 - 1 error 4 - 2 working days
5 3