Page 420 - Area X - G
P. 420
c € C
C lassification of
Function Perform ance Perform ance M easures in term s o f Quantity, Quality, and
SPF- Strategic M easures T im eliness
D eliverables Functions R esp on sib le
CF- Core
Functions Individual
SF- Support Quantity Quality T im eliness
SPF • Capability HRD personnel of all
Building campuses
programs 5 - 1 0 0 % of 5 - before set deadline
provided employees 4 - within set deadline
4 - 75% of 3 - 1 month after set
- Learning employees deadline
Needs 3 - 50% of 2 - 2 months after set
Analysis employees deadline
conducted as 2 - 25% of 1 - 3 months after set
scheduled employees deadline
1 - below 25% of
SPF - Participants 5 - complete 5 - within 2 working days HRD personnel
identified for 1 - incomplete 4 - within 3 working days
training 3 - within 4 working days
programs 2 - within 5 working days
local and 1 - beyond 5 working
foreign days
Records Section CF/SF Prepare/submit ARA of 5- complete 5- no error Records personnel
employees for updating 1- incomplete 4- with 1 error Admin, personnel
of remittance to GSIS 3 - with 2 errors
2-with 3 errors
1 - with 4 or more
CF/SF Approval/conflrmation of 5- immediately upon Records personnel
employees GSIS loans application Admin, personnel
4-1 day after application
3- 2 days after application
2- 3 days after application
5 6