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P. 482


                            Stage 3:                              INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT                                      OFFICE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT
                            Performance Review
                            and Evaluation
                                                                                                       Submission of                     Initial Plan                       Furnishing
                                                                                                                       Consolidation                      PMT calibration
                                                                                                      Summary lis t o f                 Assessment and       and           delivery units
                                                                                                      l i u i l v i d u a l Ratings   of reports   Review based on   reiommendation   with the final
                                                                                                       aruf attached   (OPCR-actual)    reports (OPCR)
                                                                                                       IPCRs to H80                                       to the President   Office
                                                 Mead of unit/immadiat®  Hoad of Unit/ immodJatw  Delivery units (Meads)  Delivery units (Heads); HRD  Planning Dept,  Planning Dept.  PMT; Planning Dept; President  Planning Dept.
                            Responsible units/   Supervisor/ employees  Supervisor
                                                                                                                    Delivery units (heads)


                           S ta g e  4 ;  V                REWARDING AND DEVELOPMENTAL PLANNING
                           P e rf o r m a n c e
                           R e w a rd in g  a n d  •    H eads  o f  offices  -   Identifying  a n d   providing  th e   kinds  o f  Interven tion s
                                                      n e e d e d , b a se d  o n  th e  d ev elo p m en tal n e ed s identified;
                           D e v e lo p m e n t
                                                   •    OHRD -  C onsolidating an d  co ordinatin g d ev elo p m en tal In terven tion s th a t
                           P la n n in g
                                                      will fo rm  p a rt of th e  HR Plan a n d  th e  basts fo r re w a rd s an d  incentives;
                                                   •    PM T  -   identifying  p o te n tia l  PRAISE  n o m in ees  fo r  v ario u s  aw ard s
                                                      c ateg o ries; and
                                                   •    PKAtSE  C om m ittee  ~  D eterm ining  to p  p erfo rm ers o f th e   U niversity w h o
                           R e s p o n s ib le  u n its /  will quality fo r aw ard s a n d  incentiv es
                           in d iv id u a ls
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