Page 524 - Area X - G
P. 524

Relevant training hours attended by the faculty and
      staff members including attendance to
      a. International                            20           20     20          20           Colleges, HR                      «                            v5.
      b. Regional/National                              20     20     20   20     40           Colleges, HR                            JTOtf-                S
      No. of new laboratories/facilities                                                                                               •
      % of existing facilities refurbished/ upgraded   70%    70%                                  Infra                               V f '
      % of infrastructure/ facilities granted certification
      from evaluating bodies (e.g, building permit, sanitary   25%  25%  25% 25%  50%              Infra
      permit, etc.)                                                                                                                         2£f_             t
      % of GAD-attributed PPAs in Higher Education                                                                                          ■d-------
      Program, Advanced Education Program, Research
      Program, Extension Program, and General          80%    80%                                  GAD
      Administration and Support Services (GASS)
    rrly Report Submission:
                   First Quarter                      Second Quarter (Semi-Annual Assessmentj                Third  Quarter                Fourth Quarter (Semi-Annual Assessment)

    fted by:                                     Submitted by:                                Submitted by:                           Submitted by:

            JOCELYN TAPO-SALVIEJO                          JOCELYN TAPO-SALVIEJO                      JOCELYN TAPO-SALVIEJO                      j q c e l y n V a p    JO
             Campus Executive Director                      Campus Executive Director                  Campus Executive Director

    red:                                         Assessed by:                                 Approved:                               Assessed by:
          EVA MARIE CODAMON-DUGYON. PhD.                      DIOSDADO M. AQUINO.  PhD.           EVA MARIE CODAMON-DUGYON.  PhD.                  DIOSDADO M. AQIJI'NO. PhD.
                University President                            Chairperson, PMT                          University President                       Chairperson, PMT

                                                 Assessed/Final Rating by:                                                            Assessed/!

                                                         EVA MARIE CODAMON-DUGYON.  PhD.
                                                               University President
     Scale for the Final Scores;                Assessment:              January to June      Rating Scale for the Final Scores:      Assessment:               July to December
    - 5.00  —  Outstanding                      Total Score:                                   4.51 - 5.00  — Outstanding             Total Score:               V
    - 4.50  —  Very Satisfactory                                                               3.51-  4.50 — Very Satisfactory                                 kb S        •;
    - 3.50  —  Satisfactory                     j  Divide by No. of Pis:                       2.51-  3.50 — Satisfactory             Divide by No. of Pis:
    - 2 . 5 0 -----Fair                                                                        1.51-  2.50  —  Fair                                             * 7
    -1.50  -----Poor                             Numerical Rating:                             1.00-1.50    —  Poor                   Numerical Rating:      ML            1-  c l
                                                Adjectival Rating:                                                                    Adjectival Rating:
   519   520   521   522   523   524   525   526   527   528   529