Page 533 - Area X - G
P. 533
Reviled February 2016
Perceniape of beneficiaries who rete ihe training courtei*
4 end advisory servicet as satisfactory or higher in terms 98% 96% 100% 100% s
oiaualitv and relevance......................................
No of TNAI crafted and implemented with analysis 1 per i
5 priority l 5
oroaram l
6 Number of persons treired (extension services) on
a GAD end GAD-releted SWTs 300 400 S
b Other SWTs 300 400 5
T No of IEC packaged e 12 5
• No of collaborate attention proposal* prepared &
submitted ................ ......... .................... 0 30 8
9 No of collaborative extension proposals implemented « 12 S
e No ol demo projects with IRR 1 3 8
b Number of adopters engaged rn viable profdable
fflUKM _______ 6 12 8
e % ol request lot technical advice that ara responded to S
within 3 aavt of request_______________________ 98* 100%
GASS: Common Functions
No of planning monitoring and related activities
1 proposed/eonducted/implemented in the area of 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
operation _
Budget Utilization Rate obligation 80-9015 80*90%
2 of alloted o* alloted i •a
Budget Utilization Rate- disbursement A m 80-90%
of of 4T
obligated obligated 3
No of feeulty/stetf who attended SWT onGAOGAD 80 90% 8C-90% j
4 related and/or any SWT related to fund of speciatlzation of faculty of faculty Vs
of facultu/staff............... ...................... and staff '
”... :L„:zE:.y^.._.
Quarterly Report Submieeron: |Retina Scale for the Fine! Scores
First Quarter Second Quarter 4 .5 1 - 5,00Outstanding
Submitted by iirbmdtttf by
Submitted by; 3 .51- 4,50 Very Setisfectory
2 .5 1 - 3.50Satisfactory tifck.
1.51- 2.50 - fair
(Head of Delivery Unit) Pi vV r'tvitvr
(Head of Delivery Unit) 1,00-1.50 - Poor
Approved: Approved: Appov Assessment Assessed by
I Strategic Priorities PMT y .Ivwt i r
It Compunctions t fla
EVA MARK C. DUGVON, PhD It) Support Functions -'npji CCti
Final Rating by:
Total Score
University President University President Unlveriity President Average (Total Scote/No of Pis) 4«* 3.vs# EVA MARIE C DUG VON, PhO ftar
Adjective! Rating VS » r,
M<0> tlv