Page 21 - LLM (Applied Law) Handbook - Australia (February 2018)
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Master of Applied Law (Family law)
If you want to move into a specialisation in family law or build your 5. FLP00 Capstone Project (Family Law)
existing family law practice, this program will provide the skills and Plus, a choice of three of the following elective subjects:
knowledge you need to advance to the next stage.
• FLP11 Advanced Parenting Issues (if not already chosen above)
To receive the Master of Applied Law (Family Law), the required
eight subjects are set out below: • FLP12 Advanced Issues in Property, Maintenance and Child
Support (if not already chosen above)
The following five core subjects:
• FLP13 Development and Management of a Family Law Practice
1. FLP1 Foundations of Family Law Practice
• FLP14 Family Dispute Resolution
2. FLP2 Property, Maintenance and Child Support
• FLP15 Advocacy in Family Law
3. FLP3 Conducting Family Law Matters
4. FLP11 Advanced Parenting Issues OR FLP12 Advanced Issues in
Property, Maintenance and Child Support
Graduate Diplomas of Applied Law
Commercial Litigation; Family Law; Government and Public The following three core subjects:
Sector Law; In-house Practice; Legal Practice Management; and 1. FLP1 Foundations of Family Law Practice
Wills & Estates.
2. FLP2 Property, Maintenance and Child Support
If you are not quite ready to undertake a full Masters, then a
Graduate Diploma of Applied Law will provide you with the 3. FLP3 Conducting Family Law Matters
knowledge and skills to advance your career, without you needing
Plus a choice of one of the following elective subjects:
to undertake the extended study required for a Master of Laws. If
you later decide to progress towards a Masters, all of your study in • FLP11 Advanced Parenting Issues
the Graduate Diploma will be credited towards that award.
• FLP12 Advanced Issues in Property, Maintenance and
The Graduate Diplomas have four subjects each and focus on Child Support
the foundational aspects in the practice areas of Commercial • FLP13 Development & Management of a Family Law Practice
Litigation, Family Law, Government and Public Sector Law, In-
house Practice, Legal Practice Management and Wills & Estates. • FLP14 Family Dispute Resolution
To Receive the Graduate Diploma of Applied Law (Commercial • FLP15 Advocacy in Family Law
Litigation) the four required subjects are set out below. To receive the Graduate Diploma of Applied Law (Government
The following three core subjects: and Public Sector Law) the four required subjects are set out below.
1. CLP1 Foundations of Commercial Litigation 1. GOV1 Foundations of Government and Public Sector Law
2. CLP2 Pre-trial Procedures 2. GOV2 Privacy and Information Management
3. CLP3 Dispute Resolution Processes 3. GOV3 Legislation and its Interpretation
Plus a choice of one of the following elective subjects: 4. GOV4 Contracting, Procurement and Probity
• CLP4 Managing Complex Litigation To receive the Graduate Diploma of Applied Law (In-house
Practice) the four required subjects are set out below.
• CLP11 Building and Construction Disputes
The following two core subjects:
• CLP12 Insurance Disputes
1. IHP101 Foundations of In-house Practice
• CLP13 Intellectual Property Litigation
2. IHP102 Managing Disputes
• CLP14 Insolvency Litigation
Plus, a choice of two of the following elective subjects:
• CLP15 Corporations Litigation
IHP111 Acting as a Company Secretary
• CLP16 Competition Litigation
IHP112 Managing the Legal Team
To receive the Graduate Diploma of Applied Law
(Family Law) the four required subjects are set out below. IHP116 Multi-Disciplinary Project Management