Page 22 - LLM (Applied Law) Handbook - Australia (February 2018)
P. 22

Program requirements

             Graduate Diplomas of Applied Law (continued)

             To receive the Graduate Diploma of Applied Law (Legal Practice   The following three core subjects:
             Management) the four required subjects are set out below.
                                                                 1.  WEP1 Foundations of Wills & Estates Practice
             1.  LPM1 Foundations of Legal Practice Management
                                                                 2.  WEP2 Law and Practice of Estates
             2.  LPM2 Legal Technology and Practice Management
                                                                 3.  WEP3 Construing and Drafting Wills
             3.  LPM3 Client Strategy and Implementation
                                                                 Plus, a choice of one of the following elective subjects:
             4.  LPM4 Leadership and Practice
                                                                    WEP4 Family Provision
             Applicants for the Graduate Diploma of Applied Law (Legal Practice     WEP5 Contested Probate and other Court Applications
             Management) do not need to hold a law degree specifically to enrol
             in this award, but do need an undergraduate degree.      WEP6 Advanced Issues in Wills and Estates
             To receive the Graduate Diploma of Applied Law (Wills & Estates)     WEP7 Elder Law
             the four required subjects are set out on the next page.

             Graduate Diploma of Family Dispute Resolution

             The College of Law’s Graduate Diploma of Family Dispute       Mediation skill set from the Community Services Training
             Resolution Practice will train you in the core competencies required   Package (CHC).
             by the Attorney-General to become an Accredited Family Dispute   Applicants who do not hold an appropriate qualification, may be
             Resolution Practitioner (FDRP).
                                                                 eligible for admission to the FDRP Program on the basis of previous
             Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners come from a variety of   experience in a dispute resolution environment. Please refer to our
             backgrounds. You do not need to practise family law or even   Program Manual available on the College website for additional
             be a lawyer to enrol. While family law is covered, the focus is on   application requirements.
             the practical realities of resolving conflicts which involve families,   To receive the Graduate Diploma of Family Dispute Resolution
             relationship breakdowns and family violence. It is likely that each   Practice the four required subjects and practicum are set out below.
             class will consist of lawyers, social workers, psychologists and
             people from other backgrounds, providing an opportunity to learn       FDR1 Family Law & Mediation
             from diverse experiences.
                                                                      FDR2 Children’s Matters, Family Law and Family Dispute
             To enrol, you must meet the entry requirements for the course:  Resolution
                  An undergraduate degree or higher qualification in Psychology,       FDR3 Advanced Family Dispute Resolution
              Social Work, Law, Conflict Management, Dispute Resolution,       FDR4 Case Management in Family Dispute Resolution Capstone
              Family Law Mediation or equivalent; or
                                                                      20 hour clinical placement
                  Accreditation under the National Mediator Accreditation System
              (NMAS); or

             Graduate Certificate in Applied Law (Government and Public Sector Law)

             To receive the Graduate Certificate in Applied Law (Government   Plus, a choice of one of the following elective subjects:
             and Public Sector Law) the two required subjects are set out below.
                                                                    GOV2 Privacy and Information Management
             The following core subject:
                                                                    GOV3 Legislation and its Interpretation
             1.  GOV1 Foundations of Government and Public Sector Law
                                                                    GOV4 Contracting, Procurement and Probity

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