Page 23 - LLM (Applied Law) Handbook - Australia (February 2018)
P. 23
Graduate Certificate in Applied Law (Legal Practice Management)
To receive the Graduate Certificate in Applied Law (Legal Practice LPM3 Client Strategy and Implementation
Management) the two required subjects are set out below.
LPM4 Leadership and Practice
The following core subject:
Applicants for the Graduate Certificate in Applied Law (Legal
1. LPM1 Foundations of Legal Practice Management Practice Management) do not need to hold a law degree
specifically to enrol in this award, but do need an undergraduate
Plus, a choice of one of the following elective subjects:
LPM2 Legal Technology and Practice Management
Capstone Project
The Capstone Project is taken as your final subject, as a will prepare a Final Portfolio that demonstrates your legal writing,
culmination of the knowledge and skills attained throughout your research, and oral skills.
major. It will allow you to demonstrate your skills in a specialist Assessment-based subject that has four components:
practice area using real-life scenarios and case studies.
1. Four short answer questions
Throughout the intake, you will receive individualised feedback
from your lecturer and will also have access to a rich array of skills 2. Two legal writing samples
modules that include guides, samples, and practice exercises for 3. Oral communication (e.g. client interview) assessment held
honing your legal skills.
through online conferencing
The highlight of the Capstone Project is the final task, where you
4. Reflective analysis of oral communication
Major Project
Major Project is usually taken as the final subject in the Masters. Eligible students are required to submit a synopsis, one
Students who have enrolled in the Master of Laws (Applied Law) page (maximum) in length at least two weeks before intake
without a Major are required to complete the Major Project in one commences. The synopsis will be sent to the supervising lecturer
of the practice areas offered by the College’s Masters program. for approval or feedback. Once approved, the student will be
The Major Project is taken over one intake and is a research- formally enrolled in the Major Project. If not approved, feedback
based project with an 8000 – 10,000 word paper at the end. will be provided to assist the student to refine the topic.
This is an independent learning subject involving non-timetabled If you would like to learn about your eligibility to complete the
study. Students should expect the weekly workload involved in Major Project, please contact with your best
research and writing to be approximately ten to twelve hours.
contact details (phone and email) and we will contact you.
Single Subjects
You may enrol in single subject and claim CPD points on the basis of the study in that subject. Assessment is optional, but if you later
choose to proceed to an award qualification, you will need to complete the relevant assessment.