Page 52 - Law Society of Hong Kong MPMC Manual v12 - With checklists (22 May 2018)
P. 52

Practice Management Course | Unit 5
                                                                                                   Business Planning

                            o   Introduce other relevant practice members to managers to emphasise to
                                the client the depth of resources available from within the practice.
                            o   Identify current strategic  challenges for the client  and indicate how this
                                might translate into a demand for legal services.
                            o   Promote cross selling through other areas of the practice to enhance the
                                spread of legal services provided by the practice to the client.
                     •  Key Activities:

                          Action                                     By whom         Date
                          Identify and arrange to meet new managers  ABC             End August
                          at their office.
                          Arrange lunch and presentation by practice.   ABC and DEF   End September
                          Include all managers at working breakfasts   GHI           End November
                          that are held monthly with fee-earners
                          across the practice and other clients.
                          Negotiate and deliver a specially tailored   ABC, DEF and   End February
                          training program for the board/managers    GHI
                          on particular issues in the new industry
                          Obtain invitation to the client’s strategic   ABC          End March
                          planning meeting and seek the opportunity
                          to make a brief presentation on strategic

                     Client retention and levels of satisfaction

               51.  Use  action  sheets  to  develop  the  plan  that  the  practice  will  use  to  ensure  the
                     maintenance of technical quality and of effective relationship management in areas
                     that include:

                     •  Terms of  engagement (scope  of work,  fee  estimates,  staffing  and
                     •  Accessibility.
                     •  Timeliness.
                     •  Reporting.
                     •  Troubleshooting.
                     •  Billing.

                     For example:

                      Action                           By      Time         By      Monitoring
                                                       whom  estimate       when    Who/How
                      Improve accuracy of fee          ABC     4.0 hours    Dec     Monitor new estimates
                      estimates for specific work type.                             against billings over 6
                      Develop enhanced client          LMN     8.0 hours    Nov     ABC to sign off.
                      satisfaction process.            and                          Review results for 6
                                                       PRS                          months.
                      Develop and implement a quality   All    10.0 hours   Sep     First audit held
                      audit process for the practice.                               October.
                                                                                    Review and refine

                     Maximising profitability

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