Page 54 - Law Society of Hong Kong MPMC Manual v12 - With checklists (22 May 2018)
P. 54

Practice Management Course | Unit 5
                                                                                                   Business Planning

                     Continuing professional development

               55.  Use the action sheets to describe what the practice will do to develop its capabilities
                     to deliver new and/or better services to existing and new clients.

                      Action                           By      Time         By      Monitoring
                                                       whom  estimate       when    Who/How
                      Conduct a skills audit of the work  MP   3.0 hours    Nov     Report to December
                      practice, including professional                              practice/staff meeting.
                      and support staff.
                      Provide PowerPoint training for   SSM    3.0 hours    Oct     Details provided to
                      all work practice members.                                    September practice/
                                                                                    staff meeting.

                     Reflection questions

               How to use the reflection questions
               These questions have been designed to help you reflect on the material in the unit and check your
               understanding of some key themes and concepts. Completing them is optional, but we encourage
               you to take the time to do them to help reinforce what you have read and highlight any areas of
               uncertainty.  If you are uncertain about the content covered in the reflection questions or your
               answers to the questions, it is a good idea to raise a question during the workshop.

               Reflection questions for Unit 5
               (1)   What are the four basic questions that a Business Plan should answer?
               (2)   What does an operational audit cover?  What does a strategic audit cover?
               (3)   Have  you  ever  done  a  SWOT  analysis  of  your  own  practice  or  the  practice  you
                     currently work in? What are the key strengths, weaknesses (or areas of improvement),
                     opportunities and threats from a business perspective?
               (4)   What should a Mission Statement and a Vision Statement reflect?
               (5)   How would you improve your practice’s current Values Statement?
               (6)   List three different forms of objectives.
               (7)   Why might a top-down firm-wide strategy plan be problematic?  What is the role of
                     senior management in strategy development?

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