Page 57 - Law Society of Hong Kong MPMC Manual v12 - With checklists (22 May 2018)
P. 57

Practice Management Course | Checklist 1
                                                                                                  Starting a Practice

                          of the Limited Liability Partnerships (Top-up Insurance) Rules
                          (Cap 159, sub leg AL)?
                       •   Have you completed and signed the Declaration of Top-Up Insurance
                          Cover Form LP-1 (included with Form LP-3)
               16.    LAW SOCIETY LEXIS
                      Have you registered for access to Law Society Lexis?
                      Law Society Lexis is a collaborative arrangement between the Law Society
                      and LexisNexis Hong Kong to provide your firm with exclusive access to a
                      vast law library via one single platform without any up-front charge. Create
                      your account by following the link.
               17.    GROUP PRACTICE
                      Will you be operating as part of a Group Practice?
                      Note: The Solicitors (Group Practice) Rules apply if you conduct your business
                      (or any part of your businesses) from the same address, separately but in
                      mutual co-operation. It also applies if you operate from the same address as
                      another practice.
                      If yes, read:
                      Chapter 28 - Solicitors (Group Practice) Rules
                      You will need to:
                      •   Establish a limited liability group practice management company
                      •   Report to the Society within 14 days of joining a group practice on the
                          matters required in rule 8
                      •   Furnish a Declaration regarding:
                          o  Date of the agreement
                          o  Commencement date of the agreement
                          o  Parties to the agreement
                      •   Notify the Society in writing of:
                          o  Name of the group practice as approved by the Council
                          o  Address of the group practice together with its telephone, fax, telex
                             and DX numbers, where appropriate;
                          o  Names of the members of the group practice;
                          o  Date on which each member began to conduct business as a member
                             of the group practice
                          o  Name of the management company, the address of its registered office,
                             its registration number under the Companies Ordinance and its
                             registration number under the Business Registration Ordinance
                          o  Names of the directors and shareholders of the management company
                          o  Address of the management company together with its telephone, fax,
                             telex and DX numbers, where appropriate
                          o  Details of the management company’s employees (whether part-time
                             or full-time, whether remunerated or otherwise and whether or not
                             performing duties as a staff member of the group practice):
                                Name
                                Number of the identity card issued under the Registration of
                                Persons Ordinance and the Chinese commercial code appearing on
                                that identity card,
                                Date of birth,
                                Position in the management company
                                Date on which employment began
                      Download Information on Solicitors' Group Practice
                      Download Manual for setting up a group practice
                      •    Will you be commencing a practice as a sole practitioner?
                      •    Will you hold an unconditional practising certificate?
                      If yes, you will have to:
                      •   Have you executed a testamentary provision to provide for the

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