Page 34 - AAS & AES & FES 01082016_Neat
P. 34

                       Atomic  emissive  spectrometry  (AES)  can  be  performed  with  apparatus  similar  to  that

               shown  in  the  block  diagram  previously,  where  the  flame  is  replaced  with  either  plasma  or
               electrodes. Argon plasmas are used most often for non-flame AES. The high temperatures that

               are achieved in argon plasmas cause more efficient excitation of atoms and ions than is achieved
               with flames. As a result, the intensities of the emitted lines are greater and more spectral lines are


                       The  wavelength  selector  for  an  instrument  that  uses  plasma  is  a  narrow  bandpass
               monochromator.  The  wavelength  of  the  monochromator  as  well  as  the  other  functions  of  the

               spectrometer  are  generally  controlled  by  a  microcomputer.  Various  detectors  can  be  used

               including  photomultiplier  tubes  and  diode  arrays.  Several  wavelengths  can  be  simultaneously
               monitored or the wavelengths can be sequentially  scanned. The  readout  devices that  are used

               with the spectrometers include cathode-ray tubes, recorders, and line printers. A plasma is a form
               of matter that contains a significant percentage (>1%) of electrons and ions in addition to neutral

               species and radicals. Plasmas are electrically conductive and are affected by a magnetic field.
                       The plasmas used in emission spectroscopy are highly energetic, ionized inert gases. The

               most  common  plasma  in  commercial  use  is  the  argon  ICP.  Two  other  commercial  plasma

               sources are the Direct coupled plasma (DCP), also usually supported in argon and the helium
               microwave induced plasma (MIP). The temperature of a plasma excitation source is very high,

               from 6500 to 10,000 K, so almost all elements are atomized or ionized and excited to multiple

               levels.  The  resulting  emission  spectra  are  very  line-rich,  which  necessitates  the  use  of  high-
               resolution spectrometers to avoid spectral overlap.

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