Page 29 - AAS & AES & FES 01082016_Neat
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second is the σ component, which undergoes both a positive and negative shift in wavelength,

               resulting in two equally spaced lines on either side of the original line. This splitting pattern is

               presented in Fig. The splitting results in lines that are separated by approximately 0.01 nm or less
               depending on the field strength. The strength of the magnetic field used is between 7 and 15

               kgauss. Background absorption and scatter are usually not affected by a magnetic field. The π
               and  σ  components  respond  differently  to  polarized  light.  The  π  component  absorbs  light

               polarized in the direction parallel to the magnetic field. The σ components absorb only radiation

               polarized 90º to the applied field. The combination of splitting and polarization differences can
               be used to measured total absorbance (atomic plus background) and background only, permitting

               the net atomic absorption to be determined.
                       A  permanent  magnet  can  be  placed  around  the  furnace  to  split  the  energy  levels.  A

               rotating polarizer is used in front of the HCL or EDL. During that portion of the cycle when the
               light is polarized parallel to the magnetic field, both atomic and background absorptions occur.

               No  atomic  absorption  occurs  when  the  light  is  polarized  perpendicular  to  the  field,  but

               background absorption still occurs. The difference between the two is the net atomic absorption.
               Such a system is a DC Zeeman correction system.


                       AAS  is  a  mature  analytical  technique.  There  are  thousands  of  published  methods  for

               determining practically any element in almost any type of sample. There are books and journals
               devoted  to  analytical  methods  by  AAS  and  other  atomic  spectrometry  techniques.  The

               bibliography  provides  a  list  of  some  texts  on  AAS.  Journals  such  as  Analytical  Chemistry,
               Applied Spectroscopy, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy, The Analyst, Spectroscopy

               Letters, and others are sources of peer-reviewed articles, but many applications articles can be

               found in specialized journals on environmental chemistry, food analysis, geology, and so on. The
               applications discussion here is necessarily limited, but the available literature is vast.

                       AAS is used for the determination of all metal and metalloid elements. Nonmetals cannot
               be determined directly because their most sensitive resonance lines are located in the vacuum

               UV region of the spectrum. Neither flame nor furnace commercial atomizers can be operated in a
               vacuum.  It  is  possible  to  determine  some  nonmetals  indirectly  by  taking  advantage  of  the

               insolubility of some compounds.

                       For  example,  chloride  ion  can  be  precipitated  as  insoluble  silver  chloride  by  adding  a
               known excess of silver ion in solution (as silver nitrate). The silver ion remaining in solution can

               be  determined  by  AAS  and  the  chloride  ion  concentration  calculated  from  the  change  in  the
               silver ion concentration. Similar indirect approaches for other nonmetals or even polyatomic ions

               like sulfate can be devised.

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