Page 25 - AAS & AES & FES 01082016_Neat
P. 25

               that easily emits electrons. Often the cathode is coated with hat easily emits electrons. Often the cathode is coated with oxide of cesium,oxide of cesium, although the oxide
               of other metals from group IAIA or group IIA is used. The energy from the collision of a photon or group IIA is used. The energy from the collision of a photon

               with photocathode is sufficient to result in ejection of an electron. The photocathodeith photocathode is sufficient to result in ejection of an electron. The photocathodeith photocathode is sufficient to result in ejection of an electron. The photocathode serves as a
               w w
               t t transducer  that  converts  electromagnetic  radiation  into  electricity.  The  emitted  electrons  aransducer  that  converts  electromagnetic  radiation  into  electricity.  The  emitted  electrons  aransducer  that  converts  electromagnetic  radiation  into  electricity.  The  emitted  electrons  are

               attracted  to  dynode  1  by  the  relatively  positive ttracted  to  dynode  1  by  the  relatively  positive  potential  that  is  maintained  on  the  dynode  as potential  that  is  maintained  on  the  dynode  as
               compared  to  the  potential  on  theompared  to  the  potential  on  the  photocathode.  After  acceleration  by  the  potential  difference After  acceleration  by  the  potential  difference
               between the photocathode andetween the photocathode and the first dynode, the electrons strike the dynode. The dynodes are ike the dynode. The dynodes are
               coated  with  a  compound  that  emits  several  electrons  for  each  impinging  electron  from  thecompound  that  emits  several  electrons  for  each  impinging  electron  from  thecompound  that  emits  several  electrons  for  each  impinging  electron  from  the
               photocathode, as illustrated in Fig. Usually the dynodes are coated withthe dynodes are coated with either CsSb, BeO, or

               GaP. Upon striking the first dynode each aP. Upon striking the first dynode each electron causes emission from the dynode of about four ssion from the dynode of about four
               or five electrons. The result is an r five electrons. The result is an amplification of the electric current that flows through the PM of the electric current that flows through the PM
                                                                     tube. The electrons that are emitted from The electrons that are emitted from
                                                                     dynode  1  are  attracted  to  the  moreynode  1  are  attracted  to  the  more
                                                                     Positive  dynode  2.  At  dositive  dynode  2.  At  dynode  2  each
                                                                     impinging electron results in emission ofmpinging electron results in emission of
                                                                     four  or  five  electron ve  electron  and  further

                                                                     amplification  of  the  electric  current  that of  the  electric  current  that
                                                                     flows  through  the  PM  tube.  The  power lows  through  the  PM  tube.  The  power
                                                                     supply  of  the  potential  divider  typically upply  of  the  potential  divider  typically
                                                                     supplies  about  900V  and  resistor  are upplies  about  900V  and  resistor  are
                                                                     about 100000 ohm..

               In general the amplification of a PM tube is the average number he amplification of a PM tube is the average number n of electroof electron emitted at each

               dynode raised to the power that equals the number ynode raised to the power that equals the number d of dynodes in the PM tube the PM tube :
                                                     Amplification = n

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