Page 36 - Shaping A Sustainable Future
P. 36

This  project  was  a  very  new   Conclusion
                                experience for me. Before starting
                                the project, I had never heard of   The  key  outcome  of  this  project  was  to  reduce  the
                                the  Bettr  Group  or  worked  with   amount  of  coffee  ground  waste  and  its  associated
                                an SME and knew nothing about    carbon emissions from the Bettr Group. The coffee-soap
                                companies  and  the  different   eco-solution  supports  the  4R  goals  of  this  project:  to
                                efforts  to  make  themselves  as   reuse, reduce, recycle, and recreate. This was achieved
                                eco-friendly as possible. I found it   by reducing the waste produced by reusing and recycling
                                interesting to know that there were   the coffee grounds to create a new sustainable product.
                 Nazirah        such  things  as  B-Corporations.   This, in turn, reduced operating costs for the company
                                B-Corporations  mean  that  the   because it did not have to pay a third party company to
            company has met high standards that ultimately mean   get rid of the waste.
            using business for good. I was impressed by the creative
            ideas that Bettr Coffee used, like making their reusable   How can other similar SMEs benefit from executing the
            coffee cups from the disposable ones or making little   same eco-solution? Other than the 4R benefit for the
            bags from sacks used to transport their coffee beans.   environment, the SMEs can profit from holding coffee
            Despite  the  Covid  situation,  I  am  glad  we  worked   soap making workshops and selling the soap products.
            well  together  to  help  make  a  product  that  positively   SMEs can provide coffee grounds to recycle waste and
            impacts  the  environment.  Overall,  I  am  thankful  for   avoid  the  carbon  emissions  associated  with  waste
            this  experience  as  it  has  made  me  better  understand   disposal.
            Companies and their efforts to help the environment.

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