Page 37 - NYAA Annual Report 2022
P. 37

Appendix 12

                              NATIONAL YOUTH ACHIEVEMENT AWARD

                             CHAIRMAN'S REPORT FOR THE YEAR 2022

                   The National Youth Achievement Award (NYAA) is a proven and effective self-directed programme
                   designed to empower young people with self-reliance, perseverance, resilience, and a sense of
                   responsibility to  themselves, society, and the nation. Through the NYAA programme, young
                   individuals identify their needs and interests, embarking on a journey of self-discovery while taking
                   charge of their personal development and progress. This transformative process enables them to
                   make unique contributions by exploring their potential, talents, and ability to impact others in
                   society positively.

                   The year 2022 presented numerous challenges, but amidst the difficulties, we also witnessed
                   glimpses  of hope. Although we have not entirely  overcome the  obstacles,  we have  made
                   significant progress. The COVID-19 pandemic threatened our health and well-being during the
                   year's first half. The NYAA's primary objective was to ensure that the momentum gained in the
                   pre-COVID-19 years was not lost. We implemented innovative approaches to sustain our activities
                   while adhering to COVID-19 regulations and restrictions.  By leveraging  online platforms, we
                   enabled our young participants to remain active and engaged in the programme.

                   The pandemic forced us to adopt alternative operating systems, providing young people with
                   firsthand experience in understanding how a crisis of this magnitude can disrupt lives, particularly
                   for the less fortunate and vulnerable. We seized this opportunity to deepen our commitment to
                   helping ourselves and those in need, developing a greater capacity for empathy and understanding
                   the challenges we must not take for granted. Young participants explored beyond their comfort
                   zones, displaying motivation to find solutions by working independently or in small groups. They
                   discovered new interests and acquired life-saving skills such as first aid and CPR.

                   The NYAA is particularly encouraged by the efforts and contributions of our Operating Partners
                   and the NYAA Gold Award Holders' Alumni. Alum  members  took the initiative to spearhead
                   community projects and leverage new technologies to assist the needy and vulnerable in our
                   society. Their collective actions inspire young people to understand the true meaning of leadership
                   and how to adapt and contribute during times of crisis.

                   In 2022, NYAA organised three significant events. The 30th Anniversary Celebration Dinner, held
                   in October and hosted by Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies,
                   Mr Heng Swee Keat, and graced by President Halimah Yacob, marked a significant milestone.
                   During the celebration, President Halimah Yacob launched the NYAA Junior Programme - The
                   Butterfly Award and presented Distinguished Partner Awards to five corporate donors and two
                   outstanding volunteers.

                   Despite the challenges posed by COVID-19 restrictions, NYAA successfully organised four Award
                   Ceremonies. The NYAA Gold and Silver Award Ceremony, held at the Institution Tanah Merah 1,
                   was graced by the Prime Minister's Office, Minister and Second Minister for Education and Foreign
                   Affairs, Dr Maliki Osman, on 23 November 2022. The NYAA Gold Award Ceremony, hosted by
                   Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies, Mr Heng Swee Keat, and
                   graced by President Halimah Yacob, occurred on 2 December 2022. Over 160 recipients received
                   the Gold Award from the President.

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