Page 211 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 211
& sun stroke. Now imagine having that every day and
trying to cope with it while people make rude comments
about you & give dangerous, uneducated, unsolicited
27 May 2013
Lots of people (including me) also have these sensory
difficulties too. I especially have numbness or pins n
needles in hands, feet, legs, arms and really sore itching
burning eyes & itching burning skin. I can't bare bright
light in my eyes - it feels like someone pressing a bruise
really hard, hence my dark glasses all the time and I can
feel noise as a physical sensation hurting my head. THIS
If you read this and the previous description you might be
able to imagine how torturous the recent 4 hour car
journey was for me! It involved a lot of screwing up eyes,
deep breathing, praying and 'finding a happy place' !
I DON'T want people to feel sorry for me but I WOULD
LIKE people to get what it is.
28 May 2013
Women in particular are judged a lot by their appearance &
people in general are valued according to their
achievements. When Fibromyalgia has such a negative
effect on your body - making you gain weight, unable to
walk in heels, not meet whatever the current specification
of 'Beauty' is and it hinders you from achieving your
goals it becomes glaringly obvious how much people
judge you on those 2 things. SURELY ALL PEOPLE
have INTRINSIC VALUE, and qualities other than phys-
ical beauty & material success to be valued by