Page 64 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 64

house dress from a charity shop today and I’m looking
            forward  to  wearing  it  with  red  peep  toe  heels  and  a
            vintage style demi wave - probably with a Kelly bag in the
            crook of my elbow

           9 July 2011 —
           I've been in and asked for benefit a couple of times and
            they've looked at me totally gone out. One assistant even
            said "Oh I think that's more for the Birmingham market"
            God us Birmingham people are radical aren't we! Unless
            they've recently added the range which would be ace

           10 July 2011 —
           Can  any1  help  me  out  with  this  -  I'm  trying  to  find  a
            picture of a piece of art I saw in a Pop Art Exhibition
            but I can't remember the name of the piece or the artist!
            It  was  ASSEMBLAGE  POP  ART,  It  was  a  massive
            segmented  box  with  little  found  objects  in  the
            compartments  -  it  was  like  a  sweet  counter  or  a  shop
            window. If anyone knows what the hell I'm talking about
            or who it’s by let me know
           Found it! (Obviously no one else shares my love of pop or
            assemblage art) I should have remembered it easily cos it
            was Toy Store by Peter Blake who also created the Beatles
            Sergeant Pepper album cover.

           12 July 2011 —
           I had the grave misfortune of having to pop into Pound
            land for some paint rollers & noticed they had baseball
            caps  with  the  words  FOXY  or  SEXY  emblazoned  on
            them  in  naf  sequins.  I  couldn't  help  thinking  that  if  a
            person actually was either Foxy OR Sexy, they definitely
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