P. 63


                                       PANCASILA REINFORCEMENT SYSTEM

                                    Questions to Think About

                                           Dimension : Bernalar Kritis

                                           When you are practicing procedure text to make a dishes After  you
                                           taste it, it's too salty. What would you do?
                                           a. Give the food to neighbors
                                           b. Looking for ways on the internet how to reduce the salty taste
                                           c. Discard and try the recipe again until it works

                                     Questions to Think About
                                           Dimension : Gotong Royong

                                           You are given the task by the teacher to make a group craft. After the
                                           division  of  group  tasks,  Nina,  your  group  mate,  doesn't  understand
                                           how to do her job description. What are you going to do about this
                                           a. Help Nina
                                           b. Just let it be
                                           c. Remove Rina from the group

                                      Questions to Think About
                                            Dimension : Mandiri

                                           You are given homework to write procedure text by your   teacher.
                                           What would you do?
                                            a. Do the task individually
                                            b. Copy the homework from your friend
                                            c. Pretending to forget about the homework
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