Page 153 - pfizervax
P. 153

PF-07302048 (BNT162 RNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines)
                   Protocol C4591001

                    Table 10.  Stopping Rule: Enrollment Is Stopped if the Number of Severe Cases in
                                the Vaccine Group Is Greater Than or Equal to the Prespecified Stopping
                                Rule Value (S)
                      Total Severe Cases    Prespecified Stopping Rule Value   If the True Ratio of Severe Cases
                                           (S): Number of Severe Cases in the   Between Vaccine and Placebo
                                                Vaccine Group to Stop         Groups Is 1:1, Probability of S or
                                                                            More Being Observed in the Vaccine
                              4                           4                               N/A
                              5                           5                               3.13%
                              6                           6                               1.56%
                              7                           7                               0.78%
                              8                           7                               3.52%
                              9                           8                               1.95%
                             10                           9                               1.07%
                             11                           9                               3.27%
                             12                          10                               1.93%
                             13                          10                               4.61%
                             14                          11                               2.87%
                             15                          12                               1.76%
                             16                          12                               3.84%
                             17                          13                               2.45%
                             18                          13                               4.81%
                             19                          14                               3.18%
                             20                          15                               2.07%
                    Abbreviation: N/A = not applicable.

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