Page 19 - Exit feature 2017 Final new amended new
P. 19


              Exit review                                                                                                     Sale process
                                              Tip: Ask to see
              12  -36 Months                                Month 1                           Month 2                                         Month 3               Month 4           Month 5        Month 6
                                              internal documents
                                              relating to the
                                              approach; if there
                                              are none this is a
                                              good indicator that
                                              they’re not serious

                Exit Review                Preparation                      Marketing                                  Completion

               You can go a long way yourself   as they start thinking about the impact
       finding potential buyers by forming    on them. It could impact performance
                                              and de-motivate everyone if the deal
       partnerships in advance of a sale; so   falls through. In the early stages, only tell
       you can get engaged before getting     senior management making it clear that
       married.                               it’s a preliminary exercise that may or may
                     Mike Lander, CEO, Ensoul  not result in a sale.

                                              If the sale is likely to go through, prepare
                                              an agreed announcement as part of a
          PARTNER INSIGHT:                    plan to inform all staff just before it’s
          WARRANTY CLAIMS                     publicly announced. Experts advise taking
          Ian Morris, Principal, EMW Law LLP  account of employment laws and TUPE
          Ian Morris, Principal, EMW Law LLP
                                              regulations, particularly if the sale will
                                              result in redundancies or role changes.
                         Post completion
                         Post completion
                         Post completion
                         warranty claims are
                         warranty claims are
                         warranty claims are   NEGOTIATING THE DEAL
                         rare but
                         rare but
                         rare but not unheard not unheard not unheard
                         of. The most         One member observed that “a good
                         of. The most
                         of. The most
                         common reason for
                         common reason for    negotiation will extract the maximum
                         common reason for
                         a warranty claim
                         a warranty claim
                         a warranty claim     bearable pain from each party, so accept
                         is an issue with the
                         is an issue with the
                         is an issue with the   some; there are more entrepreneurs who
                         warranted accounts
                         warranted accounts
                         warranted accounts   regret not selling than the price they got”.
                         so that either assets
                         so that either assets
                         so that either assets
                         or profit (or both)
                         or profit (or both)
                         or profit (or both)
                         are overstated.      Understanding what is important to
                         are overstated.
                         are overstated.
                                              the buyer is the first step in negotiating
          When selling on a multiple of profits it can
          When selling on a multiple of profits it can   the best deal. It might be for strategic,
          When selling on a multiple of profits it can
          be seen that every £1 of overstated profits
          be seen that every £1 of overstated profits   commercial, or even emotional reasons
          be seen that every £1 of overstated profits
          can be very expensive. My advice would be
          can be very expensive. My advice would be
          can be very expensive. My advice would be   which could add a premium to the value.
          to have in the business a finance director   Earn-outs can encourage a buyer to pay a
          to have in the business a finance director
          to have in the business a finance director
          of sufficient quality so that the numbers
          of sufficient quality so that the numbers
          of sufficient quality so that the numbers   higher price, as you are both investing in
          and accounting policies just aren’t an
          and accounting policies just aren’t an
          and accounting policies just aren’t an   future performance. However, earn-outs
                                              don’t always work, so some members
                                              recommend that you try to get as much
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