Page 17 - Exit feature 2017 Final new amended new
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      Selling your business                    Make sure your   client, employee and supplier contracts, and
                                                              potentially a Vendor Due Diligence report. All
                                                 buyer is fully
       The process of selling your            funded to do the   of this confidential information will be placed
       business can be an emotional            deal; don’t wait   into a secure third party on-line Data Room.
                                              to the end of the
       rollercoaster, but you can           process to find out.  This allows potential buyers access but it also
                                                              allows you to monitor who has gone in and
       take out some of the stress by                         see what they’ve looked at.
       understanding it and preparing
       for the best outcome                                   DUE DILIGENCE
                                                              The buyer’s advisors will undertake due
                                                              diligence on your business, scrutinizing
       Selling a business has been described by               everything to identify where the value is, any
       some members as death by a thousand                    risks to mitigate, and anything that could
       cuts. Buyers and their advisers can chip               justify a lower purchase price.
       away as they discover things that hadn’t
       been disclosed or explained initially. If              Members who have gone through the sale
       you hide data or hold anything back                    process agree that you should get the best
       it will make the buyer nervous; when                   adviser you can afford to avoid warranty
       they find out later it could justify further           issues and give your buyer peace of mind.
       chipping or withdrawal from the deal. The              Non-disclosure agreements should reassure
       process often takes longer than planned,               you to be as open as possible and disclose
       depending on factors both within and                   any outstanding issues. For example, be
       outside your control.                                  open about large upcoming costs and deal
                                                              with any claims. Ensure your employment
       VENDOR DUE DILIGENCE                                   contracts are up to date. Try to extend your
       Some members have undertaken their                     supplier and customer contracts. Look at IP
       own informal due diligence in advance                  rights on any tech you are selling, and review
       to identify any issues for a potential                 lease terms on property and equipment.
       purchaser. Others have opted to pay a
       third party for Vendor Due Diligence,                  It’s hard to avoid price chipping. The best
       usually for sales to bigger buyers. This               way to deal with it is to make sure you have
       report can offer a fuller picture of the               thoroughly prepared for due diligence and
       business and present any issues in a                   that your Data Room is in good shape.
       balanced way in context of the trading                 Acquirers will look for a fast turnaround on
       history. It gives potential buyers the                 relevant documentation, so the quicker you
       information and analysis they need to help             can get this to them the more professional
       make an informed decision about their                  you will look.
       level of interest prior to their own due
       diligence process.                                     WARRANTIES
                                              Partners advise   Warranties are designed to bring any areas
       INFORMATION MEMORANDUM (IM)             against overly   of concern to the buyer, and imposes legal
       The IM helps potential buyers to decide     hyped or   liabilities on the seller. Warranties typically
       if your business is a suitable acquisition   glossy IMs and   cover areas including the company’s financial
       target. It’s an executive summary of the   running your   accounts, liabilities, litigation, property
       reasons to buy your business. Acquirers   business to the   dealings, tax, insurance, employees, IP,
       will be looking for market access, national   exact same filing   and compliance amongst others. While full
       or international growth, IP rights, potential   system as the   disclosure should reduce risk, there may be
       cost savings, cross selling opportunities,   layout in the Data   issues outside your control or knowledge, so
       strength of management team, brand    Room so you can   members recommend indemnity insurance.
       value, and distribution channels amongst   copy and paste
       other financial elements such as recurring   when relevant
       sales and long-term client contracts.   documents are           The number one reason a deal
                                               requested (IM
                                               & Data Room    falls over during the process is
       DATA ROOM                              templates from   because the company’s financial
       A key part of the sale process is the     Cavendish    performance falls short of the
       Data Room. It ensures that final           Corporate
       offers are made on the basis of full      Finance are   agreed numbers included in the
                                                 available to
       disclosure. Buyers will ask for lots of   members in The   Information Memorandum.
       detailed financial, commercial, and legal   Supper Club
       information about your business including   Insights Hub)   Caroline Belcher, Partner & Head of Exit
       management accounts, copies of all                          Practice, Cavendish Corporate Finance
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