Page 12 - Exit feature 2017 Final new amended new
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       MAXIMISING VALUE                              Partners   they start to evaluate your business and
       The main drivers of the value of a business   recommend   it will be good for them to see lots of
       are trading history, company size, IP, asset   planning a sale to   positive news. However, be mindful of
       base, management team, quality of your   complete shortly   the consequences of any strong political
       sales and customer base, sector, niche,   after a financial year   opinions you might express
                                               end so it’s based
       and market leadership. Buyers typically   on an audited set
       calculate their valuation by applying a   of accounts and   • Market leadership: If it’s a crowded
       multiple to pre-tax earnings. They will be   shows the profits   market, find something that you can be
       more convinced by a three-year profit   that determined the   the best at. If you aren’t the biggest, could
       history than a three-year forecast.   purchase price. They   you be the fastest growing or the most
                                               also advise that if   innovative? Do you have the highest levels
                                              you have different
       Demonstrating a solid pipeline of sales,   parts of the business   of customer loyalty? Having some aspect
       tying customers into long-term contracts,   with different   of market leadership will make you more
       and consistently hitting monthly targets   models and P&Ls,   attractive to buyers
       will help as you’re courting buyers.    it may be best to
       Proprietary technology and intellectual   de-merge them into   • Barriers to entry: Make it more difficult
       property can add huge value to your   two businesses and   for your buyer to enter your market
       business. It may differentiate you from   sell separately.  without acquiring you. Tie clients into
       your competitors and could justify a                     long-term contracts. Invest in technology
       premium price for your business.                         or machinery early enough to demonstrate
                                                                the long-term benefit of that investment.
       By planning early, you can address any                   Test international markets to sell the
       major changes before going to market                     bigger opportunity for further expansion
       in order to maximise the valuation. Here
       are five areas highlighted by Jane Gomez                 • Customer base: Your business may be
       who leads The Supper Club’s Maximising                   deemed a risky prospect if you are heavily
       Capital Value workshops:                                 reliant on one big client, or one type
                                                                of customer with one revenue stream.
       • Identify possible buyers: At the point                 Your business will be more appealing if
       you think you might sell, think about who                you can show that you have increased
       might buy you. Consider all options (ie                  spend from customers and made them
       not just the obvious trade buyers), try to               more profitable. Your business will look
       understand what they will value most, and                more robust if you have diversified your
       position yourself to be that business                    customer base. If they are in other sectors
                                                                this will show potential for further growth.
       • Build your profile: Leading up to a sale,              In addition to long-term client contracts,
       build your profile by entering industry                  buyers will also be drawn to recurring
       and / or national awards, try to become                  income streams (ie subscription models)
       a thought leader in the trade press, and
       speak at industry conferences. Buyers                    A common piece of advice from members
       and their advisers will Google you when                  is to get advisers on-board early to help

         MEMBER INSIGHT:                                        which were challenging at the time. Ultimately
         THE IMPORTANCE OF THE                                  the right team emerged from that period and
                                                                the transformation got underway.
         Alastair Stewart, CEO, etc.venues                      A new Finance Director arrived after three
                                                                months. This unlocked the huge potential the
                                                                business had. The best decisions are always
         The strategy was to acquire the business               around the people who take up the senior
         and secure a good equity package for the               management positions. The business has grown
         existing management team and the buy-in                its revenues five-fold since the 2006 buy-in. A
         team.                                                  successful secondary buy out was carried out in
                                                                2012 and the business is well placed to look at
         The transaction was a ‘buy in buy out’,                its next investment decision.
         sometimes called a BI-MBO. Arriving into an
         established management team who have                   DEALING WITH PE
         done a good job growing their business and             I opted to take money from private equity and
         needing to execute a more ambitious high               it has worked very well. Private equity has its
         growth plan led to clashes and departures;             own language; the culture and style between
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