Page 7 - Exit feature 2017 Final new amended new
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keep it off the market. However, without While Non-Disclosure
a competitive process they could pay a Agreements (NDAs) DID YOU KNOW?
lower price. cannot be relied on
completely, without
The Supper Club runs full day ‘Maximising
them you have no The Supper Club runs full day ‘Maximising
TRADE SALE protection against Capital Value’ workshops to help
Capital Value’ workshops to help
A trade sale is a common form of exit, the misappropriation members prepare their businesses for
members prepare their businesses for
sale and for life after exit.
where the business is acquired as part of a of your trade secrets. sale and for life after exit.
buy-and-build strategy; for its intellectual Make sure your IP is
This comprehensive workshop for up to
property; for its client base; or for its properly protected This comprehensive workshop for up to
six founders or CEOs is only available to
market share. Members have highlighted with Patents, six founders or CEOs is only available to
members of The Supper Club. There are
members of The Supper Club. There are
Copyright, and Trade
the value of advisors at this point who Marks. up to five events a year, so members
up to five events a year, so members
can look outside your industry and main interested in attending these workshops
interested in attending these workshops
competitors to find strategic or even left can contact their account manager in the
can contact their account manager in the
field options. Games developer Splash Membership Team to reserve a place.
Membership Team to reserve a place.
Damage, for example, was purchased by a
Chinese poultry farming company!
A trade sale can provide huge
opportunities. However, being subsumed We wanted to grow our business and
within a larger organisation will mean maximise profits from underperforming
a change of culture so consider what acquisitions. We could not do this without
you want for yourself and your business. giving up some equity
A competitor might seem an obvious When choosing PE, Clive Nation, CEO, Cennox
acquirer, but be prepared to share members advise that
you check to see
confidential information knowing it could how much is left in
fall through (and always use an NDA). the fund if you are
growing fast and
PRIVATE EQUITY likely to need follow MEMBER Q&A: OLLY OLSEN,
While venture capital funds tend to on capital. They CO-FOUNDER & CEO,
focus on early stage companies, private also recommend THE OFFICE GROUP
seeing when the
equity (PE) looks for well-established fund closes as that
• •
and profitable high growth businesses. may put pressure on • What three key tips would you give to What three key tips would you give to What three key tips would you give to
anyone preparing to exit?
anyone preparing to exit? Timing, ask Timing, ask Timing, ask
PE typically looks to model a minimum you having an exit anyone preparing to exit?
for advice and vision. It’
for advice and vision. It’
of 2x money multiple as a base case. event in a shorter for advice and vision. It’s all about timing s all about timing s all about timing
if y
if you want to get the best deal. I think ou want to get the best deal. I think ou want to get the best deal. I think
if y
Funds generally look to achieve a three to timeframe. Speak to it’s important to seek advice from people s important to seek advice from people s important to seek advice from people
it’ it’
four-times ROI in five years, although the other entrepreneurs who hav
who have been there before and sold a e been there before and sold a e been there before and sold a
who hav
Business Growth Fund (BGF) has a longer- who have worked with comp
company. And when you’re working in any. And when you’re working in any. And when you’re working in
p p
term view (as do family offices). them to find out the partnership with someone else, make sure artnership with someone else, make sure artnership with someone else, make sure
pressures they are
y y
likely to put on you. you’re clear from day one how far you ou’re clear from day one how far you ou’re clear from day one how far you
want t
want t
The deal could be structured to allow you want to go, what your vision might be and o go, what your vision might be and o go, what your vision might be and
at which point a sale could be consider
at which point a sale could be considered. ed. ed.
at which point a sale could be consider
It’s a good idea to get your housekeeping s a good idea to get your housekeeping s a good idea to get your housekeeping
It’ It’
in or
in order along the way, such as data and der along the way, such as data and der along the way, such as data and
in or
other infor
other information. It will make things much mation. It will make things much mation. It will make things much
I started running some of the smaller brands. I other infor
smoother when the deal is done.
smoother when the deal is done.
became more like a consultant within the business, smoother when the deal is done.
dealing with problems, and dealing with the exit
• Why did you join The Supper Club?
• Why did you join The Supper Club? I I I
process. • Why did you join The Supper Club?
love my work and business, so I enjoy e my work and business, so I enjoy e my work and business, so I enjoy
discussing the ups and downs o
discussing the ups and downs o
There was lots of operational stuff and working discussing the ups and downs of running f running f running
an organisation. Plus, you have a great ganisation. Plus, you have a great ganisation. Plus, you have a great
an or
out how to communicate timelines internally to the an or
dinner at the same time. The bonus has
dinner at the same time. The bonus has
right people at the right time. It’s about leaving dinner at the same time. The bonus has
been the friends I’v
been the friends I’v
without hurting yourself or the company, which is been the friends I’ve made and forming e made and forming e made and forming
new pr
new professional relationships.ofessional relationships.ofessional relationships.
tricky. new pr
• How do you get the most value from How do you get the most value from How do you get the most value from
You get a disproportionate amount of attention • •
the Club?
the Club? If you can be truly vulnerable If you can be truly vulnerable If you can be truly vulnerable
as the founder. Even when you’re not running the Club?
and open up t
and open up t
everything, people look to you; you’re a talisman. and open up to people at the dinners or o people at the dinners or o people at the dinners or
forums, you’ll find an environment which ou’ll find an environment which ou’ll find an environment which
forums, y
I was always very visible around the business. So forums, y
is w
is w
that requires careful management when you’re is welcoming and that gives you the elcoming and that gives you the elcoming and that gives you the
leaving. I postponed my leave date for 2 months; opportunity to learn and grow, personally tunity to learn and grow, personally tunity to learn and grow, personally
and pr
and professionally. The key is being open, ofessionally. The key is being open, ofessionally. The key is being open,
not to be political, just to be careful about the and pr
honest and to trust the confidentiality. I’ve o trust the confidentiality. I’ve o trust the confidentiality. I’ve
honest and t
message. honest and t
never seen that seen that seen that broken.