Page 9 - Exit feature 2017 Final new amended new
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       Whatever the motivation or option,
       timing is an important consideration.
       Good advisers should be able to highlight          Following several acquisitions
       a range of factors determining the best   funded by ourselves the business
       time to sell. It could be anticipated   took PE investment in 2012 when
       changes to legislation, competitor    our revenues were circa £10m
       tensions, tracking a valuation bubble
       forming in your market, or M&A activity.   with approximately 50 staff. It
                                             was the foot on the ladder we
       There’s always an element of luck with   needed. In the past 5 years, we
       the timing, but if you don’t prepare   have grown significantly and
       your business for sale you’re less likely
       to achieve the maximum value when     with our last acquisition our
       an opportunity comes along. It’s great   revenue has grown to £85m and
       practice to be aware of all the ways to   forecast to reach £100m in 2018
       build a valuable business and ensure   employing 750 staff.
       it’s in the best possible position for an
       approach.                                           Clive Nation, CEO, Cennox

         SPEAKER BOUTIQUE: PANEL OF PEERS   This point was echoed by Guy Mucklow, founder
                                            This point was echoed by Guy Mucklow, founder
                                            & CEO of PCA Predict (formerly Postcode
                                            & CEO of PCA Predict (formerly Postcode
                                            Anywhere). “Don’t take your eye off your
         The exit community of members planning to sell,
         The exit community of members planning to sell,   Anywhere). “Don’t take your eye off your
                                            business,” he warned. “We got an experienced
         or who have already sold, is growing within The
         or who have already sold, is growing within The   business,” he warned. “We got an experienced
                                            CFO on board who had been through two exits.
         Supper Club. Unsurprising then that we had a
         Supper Club. Unsurprising then that we had a   CFO on board who had been through two exits.
                                            You need someone who can project manage it
         full house for our Speaker Boutique on ‘Planning
         full house for our Speaker Boutique on ‘Planning   You need someone who can project manage it
                                            and build a perfect data room.”
         for sale & beyond’, with a panel of experts and
         for sale & beyond’, with a panel of experts and   and build a perfect data room.”
         members sharing insights and advice on all
         members sharing insights and advice on all
                                            “An FD can maintain the confidence of a
         stages of selling a business – from preparation   “An FD can maintain the confidence of a
         stages of selling a business – from preparation
                                            potential buyer with timely, clear explanations
         and negotiation to life after exit.  potential buyer with timely, clear explanations
         and negotiation to life after exit.
                                            of variances,” adds Malcolm Durham, founder
                                            of variances,” adds Malcolm Durham, founder
         James Monico, co-founder of Cloudreach, which
         James Monico, co-founder of Cloudreach, which   of FD Solutions. “They can also be part of the
                                            of FD Solutions. “They can also be part of the
                                            team taking corrective action.”
         sold its majority stake to Blackstone in February
         sold its majority stake to Blackstone in February   team taking corrective action.”
         2017, likened the process of preparing for sale
         2017, likened the process of preparing for sale
                                            Building the right senior leadership team will
         to a bird of paradise. “Before the courtship,
         to a bird of paradise. “Before the courtship,   Building the right senior leadership team will
                                            help you achieve the best price and the best
         you need to make yourself attractive and make
         you need to make yourself attractive and make   help you achieve the best price and the best
                                            exit. “
         them come to you; whether it’s by winning   exit. “It’s a hard adjustment for a founder to be It’s a hard adjustment for a founder to be
         them come to you; whether it’s by winning
                                            told what to do by a new owner,” added Guy.
         awards or saying interesting things in the
         awards or saying interesting things in the   told what to do by a new owner,” added Guy.
         press,” he explained.              “ “To avoid an earn-out, build an operating team To avoid an earn-out, build an operating team
         press,” he explained.
                                            and board who can run it without you. Keep
                                            and board who can run it without you. Keep
                                            a schedule of your time off or away from the
         It’s also important not to get carried away
         It’s also important not to get carried away   a schedule of your time off or away from the
         during the courtship. “During the sales process,   office to demonstrate this is the case”.
         during the courtship. “During the sales process,
                                            office to demonstrate this is the case”.
         be careful not to under-trade; get yourself a
         be careful not to under-trade; get yourself a
                                            ALIGN MOTIVATIONS
         good FD to ensure your accounts balance with
         good FD to ensure your accounts balance with   ALIGN MOTIVATIONS
                                            But just as you need to keep managing
         your forecast numbers,” he added.
         your forecast numbers,” he added.   But just as you need to keep managing
                                            expectations, especially your own, you need to
                                            expectations, especially your own, you need to
                                            maintain alignment between all stakeholders –
                                            maintain alignment between all stakeholders –
                                            because motivations are more likely to change
                                            because motivations are more likely to change
                                            the longer it takes.
                                            the longer it takes.
                                            “Selling your business can be like death by
                                            “Selling your business can be like death by
                                            a thousand cuts,” said Guy, commenting on
                                            a thousand cuts,” said Guy, commenting on
                                            the, often protracted, process of chipping and
                                            the, often protracted, process of chipping and
                                            looking for skeletons in the closet. “You will be
                                            looking for skeletons in the closet. “You will be
                                            judged by the company you keep, so get the
                                            judged by the company you keep, so get the
                                            best advisers you can afford to deal with the
                                            best advisers you can afford to deal with the
                                            buyer’s heavyweights.”
                                            buyer’s heavyweights.”
                                            A video with insights from all speakers at
                                            A video with insights from all speakers at
                                            this insightful event can be found at www.
         Mar                                this insightful event can be found at www.
         Martyn Dawes, Guy Mucklow & James Monico tyn Dawes, Guy Mucklow & James Monico tyn Dawes, Guy Mucklow & James Monico
         share their exit journeys in a panel Q&Ae their exit journeys in a panel Q&Ae their exit journeys in a panel Q&A
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