Page 8 - Exit feature 2017 Final new amended new
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       to take some money out of the business                 have considered this option tend to look at
       whilst pushing to take out more later.                 the Alternative Investment Market (AIM).
       Alternatively, you could sell out entirely             However, one member cautioned that if
       to PE. However, they need to believe                   you list on AIM and the market cap is below
       your management team are running the                   £100m “no-one trades your stock 12 months
       business without your input or must be                 post flotation which can make getting your
       able to bring in a capable management                  money out very tricky”. Another member
       team to replace you. Some PE funds are                 adds that “it’s hard to sell shares and an
       more hands on than others and will put   Be prepared to be   outright sale by the founder is not on the
       someone on the board. They can also     more of a public   cards until a formal takeover”.
       provide access to senior talent, networks   figure and for the
       and industry expertise.                  cost of investor   The IPO process is expensive and time
                                            relations to influence   consuming for senior management who will
       IPO                                     your share price.   be heavily scrutinized. Partners advise that
       The primary purpose of an Initial Public   It can be volatile,   you need a strong executive board, a simple
                                                 as share price
       Offering (IPO) is to raise capital for the   can be effected   model with a strong story, and consistency
       company. It raises the profile of the   by perception and   in forecasting. Some members considering
       business to increase demand for stock    market trends.  this option have been deterred by the
       to drive up its valuation. Members who                 scrutiny and having to report to the market.
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