Page 23 - RPV v AFC Wimbledon Res/U18s
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 The Greatest Story in Football
 It was the moment when a mir-
 acle really happened. A mo-
 ment that had been almost 30
 years in the making, a moment
 so special, so coveted and yet
 so outrageously impossible it
 felt like we would never see it
 Plough Lane
 Only it did. It happened on Novem-
 ber 3, 2020. That was the day when
 The Dons returned home to Plough
 Lane and completed the greatest
 story in football.  ball”. Undeterred, four of our fans   the fans.  endary home, Plough Lane, in
 70 miles away  – let’s name them because they are   Never again would we be at the   1912; we won the coveted FA Ama-
 In 2002, the Wimbledon football   heroes – refused to be beaten. Ivor   mercy of private owners with their   teur Cup in 1963, we were elected
 club we knew and loved ceased   Heller, Kris Stewart, Marc Jones   own egotistical agendas.  into the Football League in 1977
 to exist. Snatched away from our   and Trevor Williams contacted   Date of birth  after winning a hat-trick of South-
 fans and our community, the club   the London FA and relaunched   There was another profound dif-  ern League titles – and we won the
 was shamefully allowed by an FA   us under a new name: AFC Wim-  ference as well. The entire history   FA Cup in 1988 with a famous 1-0
 commission to be airlifted to an-  bledon. We were consigned to the   of Wimbledon Football Club re-  triumph over Liverpool at Wemb-
 other town 70 miles away, where it   Combined Counties League – five   mained ours. When the paperwork   ley. We gave birth to the infamous
 carried on under a different owner   divisions below the professional   was drawn up for the new rein-  Crazy Gang and we made a Womble
 and different supporters.  Football League – and we started   carnation, our date of birth didn’t   our official club mascot!
 Disgraceful decision  all over again.  say 2002 – it said 1889, when our   Most-famous players
 The commission even underlined   An executive board  predecessors had played their first   We were one of the founding
 their disgraceful decision with an   Only there was a fundamental and   games on Wimbledon Common.  members of the Premier League
 ominous warning. Launching a   profound difference. This time we   Legendary home  in 1992, where we stayed for eight
 new club to replace the one that   were owned by our own support-  The ensuing years were owned by   consecutive seasons and produced
 had been stolen from us would not   ers in the shape of The Dons Trust   us and nobody could take them   some of the most-famous players
 be “in the wider interests of foot-  with an executive board elected by   away. We first moved to our leg-  of that era.

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