Page 26 - RPV v AFC Wimbledon Res/U18s
P. 26

dle of a nationwide lockdown and      League One game in the stadium
      fans everywhere were banned from      they had helped build.
      attending football matches.             Cherry Red Records Stadium
                Empty stadium               Our ground was almost full to its
      The teams were playing in an emp-     new 9,000 capacity, the opponents
      ty stadium with only cardboard        were Bolton Wanderers and the
      cut-outs of our fans perched in       game was a 3-3 thriller. Within
      their seats – a reminder, at least,   seconds, The Cherry Red Records
      of the very people who had made       Stadium was awash with the chant
      the moment possible. Instead of       “A-F-C Wim-ble-don” as our fans
      rapturous, the atmosphere felt an-    put their stamp on their new sur-
      ticlimactic, eerie and even surreal.  roundings.
             AFC Wimbledon fans                        New chapter
      It wasn’t how it should have been     We were home and yet another
      and it wasn’t until August 14,        new chapter in our incredible his-
      2021, that AFC Wimbledon fans         tory was just beginning…
      were allowed into Plough Lane for
      the first time to see a competitive

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