Page 24 - RPV v AFC Wimbledon Res/U18s
P. 24

We owned them               That burning desire to get back to            or of London Boris Johnson - until
      But behind the triumphs were the      Wimbledon never diminished. In                permission was granted for AFC
      disasters. We owned them as well.     fact,  it grew stronger and strong-           Wimbledon to build a new ground
      We lost our original Plough Lane      er until, led by our former chief             on the site of the town’s famous
      stadium, callously sold behind our    executive Erik Samuelson, an                  but then dilapidated greyhound
      backs for redevelopment by our        impossible dream began to take                stadium.
      former owner. Forced to ground-       shape. There was a route back to                          Going home
      share at Crystal Palace’s Selhurst                                                  We would be going home – barely
      Park (where we spent all our Pre-                                                   200 yards from where our original
      mier League years) the cruellest                                                    ground had once stood.
      moment of all was to follow when                                                    There was still one gigantic hurdle
      we were sold and moved away,                                                        to overcome, however. Construc-
      seemingly erased from the Wim-                                                      tion on a new £32million stadium
      bledon landscape.                                                                   couldn’t be completed unless we
               Alive and kicking                                                          could prove we had the funds. And
      But the heart and soul that existed                                                 there was a shortfall that was so
      in the old club was alive and kick-                                                 serious it threatened to derail the
      ing in the new one. Promotion fol-                                                  entire project.
      lowed promotion as we rose up the                                                             Burning desire
      football pyramid and within nine                                                    That’s when we witnessed one of       Wimbledon played their first game
      years we were back in the Football                                                  our proudest and most significant     at our new Plough Lane home. The
      League after dramatically beating                                                   moments. That’s when our fans         last time we had played a League
      favourites Luton Town on penal-                                                     proved they weren’t just support-     game at Plough Lane was back in
      ties in the 2011 play-off final.                                                    ers, they were owners motivated       1991 when we faced Crystal Palace
                Beat Plymouth                                                             by one burning desire: to make our    in the old First Division.
      Five years later came another pro-                                                  impossible dream come true.                    Joe Pigott scored
      motion when we beat Plymouth at                                                             Raised £2.5million            November 3 should have been a
      Wembley in the Division Two play-                                                   Digging deep into their own pock-     night of unforgettable celebration,
      off final.                            our spiritual home; better still,             ets, they first raised £2.5million    one that supporters would never
            Greater force at work           there was a way we could physical-            via a crowdfunding campaign.          forget. Out on the pitch, Joe Pigott
      On its own, all the above was         ly return to Plough Lane itself.              Then they rallied again and in-       scored first as we played out an
      miracle enough. But there was a             Labyrinth of planning                   vested a phenomenal £5.5m into        entertaining 2-2 draw against Don-
      greater force at work even beyond     Erik was backed by an army of                 a Plough Lane Bond – the biggest      caster Rovers.
      climbing back into the Football       loyal volunteers and devoted                  fund-raising venture of its kind              Cruel twist of fate
      League. From 2002 onwards, we         staff. Together, they navigated us            ever seen in the Football League.     But there was a cruel twist of fate
      had played in neighbouring King-      through a labyrinth of planning                     New Plough Lane home            that cast a large shadow over such
      ston, unable to find a way back to    regulations and meetings - and                The fans got us over the line and     a momentous occasion. Covid had
      our true homeland.                    even the threat posed by then May-            so, on November 3, 2020, AFC          struck, the country was in the mid-

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