Page 17 - kusonga-booklet
P. 17

... zooming towards LDCs *


                                                                     * LDC = Least Developed Country

           Understanding market barriers for the EV market

       Over the next 25 years, electric vehicles will provide 2,701TWh of additional electricity
       demand, to reach 8% of world consumption (source: BNEF).

       Obviously, once intending to introduce
       Electric Vehicles, one have to look into
       its infrastructure and as part of it to

       the energy supply.

      While Rwanda has demonstrated a high pace of introducing both renewable energy and
      increasing the grid availabity, it might have sacrificed competive energy prices.

      Further analysis show that a recently 8.5 MWp introduced solar power plant, which covered
      approximately 6% of Rwandan electric capacity at time of introduction has been granted
      probably more than 30 million USD subsidies via a 25-year PPA agreement.

      As the statistic of “grid availabity“ does not provide figures about “reliable grid availabity“,
      it‘s a further barrier to consider.
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