Page 15 - June
P. 15

Yes, the group organizes its own
                                            excavations, but also supports other
                                            research where volunteers with varying
                                            interest and skill can lend a hand and
                                            learn from the experience.

                                            However, not everyone wants to or has
                                            the physical ability to excavate and the
                                            group’s activities include documentary
                                            research, drawing, photography and
                                            recording of artefacts and evidence. In
                                            the winter there are monthly talks from
       The clear land above the tree line and   guest speakers and in the summer a
       near open water, rare in limestone   number of visits are organized. Field
       country, gave an area for red deer and  walking and surveying of sites takes
       oxen to graze which were accessible to  place prior to and during excavation
       humans. The open water also gave     helping with an understanding of the
       opportunity to hunt smaller game.    site being researched.
       It is the search for this material
       evidence and trying interpreting this   IAG is a friendly group always ready to
       evidence that is the stuff of        welcome new members. To find out
       archaeology. Interest in archaeology   more look up the website
       has been fuelled over the past 20 years  “Ingleborough Archaeology Group” and
       or so by a plethora of television shows,  see the range of activities and reports
       not least Time Team.                 from the group. There are a couple of
                                            us in Hellifield who belong to the group
       However, not all archaeology needs   and would be happy to chat to anyone
       the huge resources shown on the      interested and/or give a lift to their first
       programmes, nor the developer funding  meeting. If you want more direct
       such as the enormous project to      information contact this magazine at
       unearth the archaeology along the, one of
       London Crossrail. Though some costs   the Hellifield members will be happy to
       are involved much can and is done by   help you find out more.
       amateur groups, though often with
       support of a professional archaeologist.  Bob Moore

       In this area, one such group is
       Ingleborough Archaeology Group
       (IAG), based at Ingleton. This group
       offers a wide range of activities each
       year, with activities suited to different
       interest and skills. In fact the group
       excavated and researched a Mesolithic
       site in Kingsdale and produced a report
       in 2010.

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