Page 16 - June
P. 16
Hellifield Institute to Host 7 Hellifield
Beer Festival
The Hellifield Beer Festival Committee are currently planning the
2019 festival which will take place on 14 and 15 June.
The festival, which will be held at the No advanced tickets are sold; just turn
Institute for the second year running, up on the day and join in the fun.
will include 30 beers and 15 ciders. Entrance is £5.50 which includes a
programme, commemorative glass (for
The event, which runs from lunch time use at the festival then yours to keep),
until 11pm on both Friday and and your first two beer tokens. Food
Saturday, is relaxed and informal, and will also be served over the two-day
welcomes new faces and beer festival festival, provided as in previous years
novices as well as seasoned regulars. by the Gala Committee.
Everyone is made to feel welcome and
the process is made extremely simple Barrel sponsorship is £30 for a half
and fun. barrel and £60 for a full barrel. The
committee is very grateful for the
The festival continues to gain in continued support of regular sponsors
popularity each year and is very well but is always keen to hear from
received both locally and from the potential new sponsors as well. All the
wider real ale community and has funds raised from the festival are used
become a key date in the village to support local organisations and
calendar. The event maintains its rustic groups. More info for drinkers and
appeal and represents great value at sponsors can be found on our website;
£1.50 per half pint. just Google Hellifield Beer Festival.