Page 11 - June
P. 11
Hellifield Badminton Group
A great way to get fit and meet new people
Hellifield Badminton Group meets every Tuesday evening between
7.00pm and 9.00pm in the Village Hall, so if you fancy going out for
a couple of hours and you don’t want to spend much money or go
too far but need a change of scene, some moderate exercise and
an opportunity to catch up with a few people and enjoy a cup of
coffee or tea in the break, then this could be just what you need!!.
We are a friendly bunch, the group is always ready to welcome
new members, and you don’t have to come every week, just when
it fits in with your other commitments.
Will I enjoy myself? racket and shuttlecocks.
Yes, we play as best we can, try to win
but are very relaxed as a group. You Is there a membership fee?
don’t need to be super fit or skillful, just No, just pay £2.50 when you turn up
willing to have a go. each evening and the charge includes
tea/coffee to refresh you whenever you
Will I have to face very able players? need it.
Mostly we play doubles and try to pair
stronger players with weaker players to Is there an age limit?
make a fairer game. Everyone is made Anyone 16 or over is welcome and
welcome whatever the standard of there’s no upper age limit.
play. If you are new to the game we
can arrange an earlier introductory If you are thinking of trying the game
session before the group meets. ring me on 07976215646 or 01729
Stronger players are always happy to 851660 or just turn up at 7.00pm and
support and help weaker players. meet the group.
Do I need to have played before? Bob Moore
No, beginners are always welcome and
someone will guide you through the
basics. If you have played before, to
whatever standard, that’s great. If you
are a strong player we are always keen
to learn from others. Whatever your
ability you’ll be welcome.
Do I need to buy equipment?
No, all you need is a pair of trainers
and wear something you can move
around in easily. We can provide a