Page 12 - Hussein Revivalism14
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Nations than it does with violent  “

        distinguish good from evil, guides   uphold rights that are innate to all
        man to two paths and allows him     individuals, like the right to life and
        to chose if he follows the path     the preservation of human dignity.
        of righteousness or the path of     He believes that Iraq is in need of
        deviation. Thus when interpreting   a humanitarian law that protects
        the texts and narrations, an honest   the Iraqi citizen with legally binding
        Muslim knows to avoid the ways of   rules that safeguard human life
        distortion and extremism that do a   and impose sanctions on violators
        disservice to society.’             of these rules.This would not be      People are of two
        Al-Jobouri recalls an incident when  the anarchy of absolute freedom,
        Kofi Anan, the General Secretary    for there must be limits to prevent   kinds, either your
        of the United Nations, was reading   people from harming others along
        Imam Ali's advice to Malik al-      the principle of ‘your freedom ends    brothers in faith,
        Ashtar: ‘People are of two kinds,   when my freedom comes into
        either your brothers in faith, or your   play’.                            or your equals in
        equals in humanity.’ Al-Jobouri     Abeed believes that 'To tackle              humanity.
        believes that Islam, which respects   extremism as manifested by the
        the lives, rights, and dignity of all   terrorist group ISIS, we must
        humanity, has more in common        understand what creates such
        with the Charter of the United      ideologies and why people are
                                            drawn to them.’
        terrorist ideology. Islam calls for   Jarry added, ‘There are those
        peaceful coexistence between all    who rush to the banner of Islam
        peoples regardless of their religion   blindly without taking the time to
        or sect. Al-Jobouri holds that the   understand the nuances of the
        present Iraqi constitution should   faith, and thus are liable to become

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