Page 13 - Hussein Revivalism14
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Peace’ to investigate why a greater  “

        fanatics for a distorted cause.     on legislation to curb terrorism
        Takfiri organisations actively recruit   and deal with the threat in a more
        naïve, impressionable people,       serious and effective manner.
        often young and living on the       Salman believes that the key is
        fringes of society, to serve as their   to distinguish between those
        terrorist pawns. They use tricks    who have strong religious and
        of bribery on the reluctant and     political opinions and vociferously
        stoke violent and irrational hatred   challenge others, but do not
        between groups of people.’ In       condone the use of weapons to       There are those who
        Surah al-Munafiqun, the Qur’an      enforce their opinions, and those
        speaks of the hypocrites, those     who do advocate the use of violent   rush to the banner
        who claim to belong to and          tactics to achieve their goals.         of Islam blindly
        represent Islam, but in reality work   Both groups may be defined as
        from inside the religion to destroy   extremists, but it is only the second   without taking the
        it. It is not hard to see those     group who are terrorists. His
        doing evil in the name of Islam as   research found the psychological    time to understand
        hypocrites.                         importance of turning a culture of
        Dr. Salman has been working on      violent extremism and words of       the nuances of the
        a project entitled ‘The Impact of   hatred to into words of tolerance               faith.
        Extremism in Threatening World      and admiration.
                                            Abeed fears that neo-
        number of the younger generations  colonial interests are
        of Muslims are turning to extreme   using their influence
        and violent interpretations of their   to further stoke these
        religion compared to their parents’   disasters for their own
        generation. ‘Five axes were tackled  imperial advantages.
        in this project, the first being an   Thus Jarry believes
        analysis of the phenomenon          this to be an urgent
        of global extremism, where I        responsibility for
        describe the real causes of its     scholars, media outlets,
        establishment. I found significant   intellectuals, and religious
        dissimilarity in peoples’ opinions.’   and non-religious
        He stressed his multidisciplinary   institutions, including the
        approach and the importance of      secular states. If we want
        distinguishing between holding      to get rid of extremism
        uncompromising extreme values       forever, we must promote
        and enforcing them with extreme     moderate, level-headed,
        violence.                           and credible expert voices
        The battles taking place in Iraq and  on Islam who clarify
        Syria are already spreading across   the truth to the wider
        the Middle East and threaten to     population and prevent
        spill over the whole world. Even    killings in the name of
        far-away Western countries fear     Islam, and ultimately
        the return of those of their citizens   ensure that humanity
        who have become radicalised by      is not destroyed in the
        ISIS, and travelled to join them,   name of Islam.
        eventually returning home, where
        they may establish new domestic
        terror cells. Thus Abeed spoke of
        an increasing need for international
        institutions and the community
        of nations to cooperate and focus       By: Faizal Ghazee

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