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                                                                                have distributed and published
                                                                                countless pamphlets. We have
                                                                                a program where we even send
                                                                                literature to prisons, and, praise
                                                                                be to God, many have reverted to
                                                                                Islam because of them.
                                                                                We hold events to observe all
                                                                                the anniversaries of the births
                                                                                and martyrdoms of our infallibles,
                                                                                in addition to special programs
                                                                                in months like Muharram and
                                                                                Ramadan, and days like Eid where
                                                                                we invite different prominent
                                                                                lecturers and eulogists to recite or
                                                                                talk at the centre. We hold weekly
                                                                                Friday prayers throughout the year
                                                                                and Dua Kumail recitations every
                                                                                Thursday night, alongside English
                                                                                lectures, all of which help bring
                                                                                the community together.
                                                                                After repeated requests by
                                                                                parents asking for an Islamic
                                                                                school in the area to teach Islamic
                                Interviewed by: Ali Tekmaji
                                                                                principles to their children, our
                                                                                centre established an Islamic
                                                                                Saturday school for children
                                                                                aged five to fifteen. At this school
          Sheikh Mustafa Akhound:                                               we teach Islamic ethics, the

                                                                                Qur’an, and Arabic and we have
                                                                                approximately 150 students
             "Our centre’s mission is to unite people                           registered, a number that is

             from all backgrounds."                                             increasing every year. In addition
                                                                                to the school, we hold sessions
                                                                                and courses for young men and
                                                                                women aged fifteen and over,
                                                                                where we discuss the difficulties
        Hussein Revivalism interviewed      mosques, which serve a single       of their daily lives, find solutions
        Sheikh Mustafa Akhound, the         ethnic community, our centre’s      to their problems, and hold open
        Imam of the Imam Ali Centre,        mission is to unite Shi‘ahs from    conversations where they can
        founded in 2003 in Springfield,     all backgrounds. Thus we put on     freely discuss many topics.
        Virginia, USA.                      programs for a diverse community  If a member of our community
                                            in various languages, including     passes away, the Imam Ali Centre
        Hussein Revivalism: What            Arabic, Persian, Urdu, and English.  provides special services to assist
        are the primary activities of the   Our mission is also to fulfil the   with burial fees. We are seeking
        centre?                             spiritual needs of every Muslim     to establish relationships with
        Sheikh Akhound: Our centre          resident in the United States.      local churches and with other
        is unique; unlike most other        With this goal in mind, we          organisations for the purpose

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