Page 18 - Hussein Revivalism14
P. 18


        Authoritarian Regimes and

        the Descent into the Abyss

                                                                                      Basim al-Zaiadee

        It is not easy for the people of    Bahrain, and Syria, among other  move with the present times,
        the Arab world and the Middle       Arab and Muslim countries, in       whilst some governments
        East to see the countries in        all of which citizens demanded      implemented a ‘carrot and
        which they live descend into        access to their lost rights and     stick’ policy of reward and
        division and cruel sectarian        dignity. Many citizens were         punishment, diffusing the
        conflict, yet this is the reality   shocked by the immensity            immediate threat of revolution
        that imposes itself.                of the tragedy they endured         but by avoiding to address the
        It has been years since the end     after testing the hardness of       more serious demands for
        of the idealistic revolutions of    regimes that were willing to        political, social, and religious
        the Arab Spring, which began        apply a policy of scorched          reform.
        in Tunisia in 2011 and soon         earth. Other governments            The strangest and most
        spread to Egypt, Libya, Yemen,      adopted conciliatory policies to    disheartening aspect of this

          18 Hussein Revivalism
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