P. 60
TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 3-4): Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes
the sentence.
1. The first ____ appeared during the
last period of the dinosaurs’s reign. 6. Robert E. Lee _____ the Confederate
Army to General Grant in 1865 at the
(A) flowers are plants Appomattox Courthouse.
(B) plants have flowers
(C) plants flowers (A) surrendered
(D) flowering plants (B) he surrendered
(C) surrendering
2. The earliest medicines _____ from (D) surrender
plants of various sorts.
7. The pituitary gland, ______ the brain,
(A) obtaining releases hormones to control other
(B) they obtained glands.
(C) were obtained
(D) they were obtained (A) found below
(B) it is found below
(C) its foundation below
3. Simple sails were made from canvas (D) finds itself below
over a frame.
(A) a stretch 8. At around two years of age, many
(B) stretched children regularly produce sentences
(C) was stretched three or four words.
(D) it was stretched
(A) are containing
(B) containing
4. Pluto's moon Charon ______in a
slightly elliptical path around the (C) contain
planet. (D) contains
(A) moving 9. Multinational companies _____ it
(B) is moving increasingly important to employ
(C) it was moving internationally acceptable brand
(D) in its movement names.
(A) finding
5. Techniques of breath control form (B) are finding
an essential part of any ______ (C) they find
program to improve the voice. (D) they are finding
(A) it trains
(B) train 10. The cornea is located under the
(C) trains conjunctiva, on _____ of the eye.
(D) training (A) the part is exposed
(B) exposed the part
(C) the exposed part
(D) exposes the part