P. 61

TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-4): Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best
                  completes the sentence.

                   1.     ____ first settled the Hawaiian
                      Islands between A.D. 300 and 750.          3.   In some daguerreotype cameras,
                                                                     _____  through a hole in the back of
                      (A)  The Polynesians                           the box.
                      (B)  The Polynesians arrived
                      (C)  Because of the Polynesians                (A)  the object's view
                      (D)  It was the Polynesians                    (B)  the object was viewed
                                                                     (C)  from the view of the object
                   2.  In 1066, a bright comet  _____  in the        (D)  viewed the object
                      sky attracted much attention.
                                                                 4.  In the Stone Age, stone tools _____
                      (A)  was appearing                            with other rock materials.
                      (B)  appears
                      (C)  it appeared                              (A)  polishing
                      (D)  appearing                                (B)  they polished
                                                                    (C)  for polish
                                                                    (D)  were polished

                   5.   The first steamship to cross the          8.  In male pattern baldness,  _____
                       Atlantic  _____ Savannah, in 1819.             strongly influences the degree of hair
                       (A)  was the
                       (B)  it was the                                (A)  heredity
                       (C)  the                                       (B)  inherited
                       (D)  in it the                                 (C)  inherits
                                                                      (D)  heredity has
                   6.   The Earth's plates meet each other at
                       cracks in the Earth ______  faults.        9.  In Watch the Skies, Curtis Peebles
                                                                     _____ attempt to explain America's
                       (A)  were called                               belief in flying saucers.
                       (B)  calls
                       (C)  called                                    (A)  makes a fascinating
                       (D)  it was called                             (B)  making a fascinating
                                                                      (C)  fascination with making
                   7.     The first plant-like organisms              (D)  fascination made a
                      probably ______ in the sea, perhaps
                      three billion years ago.                   10.   The irregular coastline of _____ a
                                                                      succession of bays and inlets, with the
                      (A)  life                                       hook of the Cape Cod peninsula in the
                      (B)  living                                     southeast.
                      (C)  lived
                      (D)  it was living                              (A)  Massachusetts
                                                                      (B)  Massachusetts is
                                                                      (C)  Massachusetts it is
                                                                      (D)  Massachusetts on

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