Page 37 - Chow LIfe - Winter 2018
P. 37

wings, which sounded like slow helicopter rotors.
          Wop... Wop... Wop...Wop, Wop, Wop as he took off.           How Much Chocolate
          By the time he left he cleaned out the entire rodent
          population. Now Peaches would never get a rat. So         Does it Take to Poison a
          . . .
          On Christmas morning, I sneaked Peaches present
          into the garage for “wrapping”. Out of the pet store    The list in the box below should be helpful. Maybe you
          bag (cat section purchase) I pulled a life size fuzzy   can clip it and post it on your refrigerator?
          rat. It looked real! I tied 30 feet of monofilament
          fishing line through the nose of the fake rat and
          then tied the other end around a training dumbbell.
          I sneaked out the garage and around to the yard,               •   White chocolate: 200 ounces
          in bitter cold, and planted the rat in the trash can   per pound of body weight. It takes 250
          lying on it’s side in the snow. I piled loose leaves all   pounds of white chocolate to cause signs of
          around the rat and stretched the fishing line across   poisoning in a 20-pound dog, 125 pounds
          the yard. (The things we do for our dogs!)             for a 10-pound dog.

          On cue, Peaches was let into the yard and went right   •    Milk chocolate: 1 ounce per pound of
          for the cans. Pantu was drifting away to the back
          part of the yard when I pulled the fishing line and    body weight. Approximately one pound of
          the rat jumped out right in front of Peaches. She      milk chocolate is poisonous to a 20-pound
          froze—when the big moment came, she choked—            dog; one¬-half pound for a 10-pound dog.
          and in the split second it took her to realize this was   The average chocolate bar contains 2 to
          her big chance, Pantu flashed by like a linebacker     3 ounces of milk chocolate. It would take
          heading for a quarterback, body slammed Peaches        2-3 candy bars to poison a 10 pound dog.
          out of the way and nailed the fake rat. Peaches
          looked devastated, Pantu looked thrilled, and          Semi-sweet chocolate has a similar toxic
          Patti and I looked at each other and wondered          level.
          what do you do when one child steals the other’s
          most treasured Christmas present. Peaches seems        •   Sweet cocoa: 0.3 ounces per pound
          depressed, but she still goes to the trash, maybe
          hoping that one last Christmas rat might still be      of body weight. One-third of a pound of
          found.                                                 sweet cocoa is toxic to a 20-pound dog; 1/6
                                                                 pound for a 10-pound dog.
           “Copyright 2018 by Canis Major Publications. All rights
          reserved. Used by permission.”                         •   Baking chocolate: 0.1 ounce per pound
                         body weight. Two one-ounce squares of
                                                                 bakers’ chocolate is toxic to a 20-pound
                                                                 dog; one ounce for a IO-pound dog

                                                                   See the accompaning article “WHY
                                                                   CHOCOLATE POISONS DOGS AND HOW TO
                                                                   TREAT CHOCOLATE DOG POISONING” on
                                                                   the next page.

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