Page 32 - Chow LIfe - Winter 2018
P. 32

realignment is still being looked   committee have done a great job!
          into. Margaret will have another                                       2021 Specialty: Please submit
          report after the Parent AKC Board                                      your bids!
          Conference occurring soon.          2019 Specialty: Chawncey
          The AKC Museum of the Dog is        Vaughn: April 22 – April 26 2019.
          moving back to NYC.                 Chawncey thanked his committee     New Business:
                                              for all the hard work they are
                                              doing to make this the best
          Nomination Committee: Michael  specialty. Hotel is $129.00 Please      Chows and Airlines Regulations:
          Ireland is the Chairperson, Deb     check out the logo wear available   This is an ongoing problem. Since
          Hockaday and Sue Brough are         after BOB.                         they are private corporations there
          his committee members. First                                           is not much we can do.
          Alternate: Layla Loveless and
          Second Alternate: Ken Wronski.      2020 Specialty: Marianne Smart:
                                              Grand Island Niagara Falls, April   Cathy Clapp/Bambi Walden to
                                              27 – April 30 2020. There will be   adjourn at 6:41 PM. MOTION
          2018 Specialty: Carmen              5 shows in Canada May 01 – May     CARRIED.
          Blankenship: Carmen and her         03 2020.

           Minutes of the Teleconferance Board Meeting
           July 15, 2018

          Call To Order:  7:05 PM             2-3 pages.                         submitted. Margaret mentioned
                                                                                 that information has been updated

          Roll Call: David Cook, Michael      Report of the Treasurer: (Love     on the CCCI website and FB page.
                                                                                 Margaret prepared flyers to be
          Heldt, Linda Albert, Joyce          Banghart): Report submitted. No    distributed to spectators at the
          Dandridge, Love Banghart,           questions.                         Orlando shows this December for
          Margaret DiCorleto, Linda                                              those whom may be interested
          Brantley, Lisa Leonzio, Dan                                            in attending. David mentioned
          Strachan, Kathy Sylvia, Kurt        Report of the AKC Delegate:        how difficult it is to obtain a
          Williams, Michael Ireland, Cindy    (Margaret DiCorleto): Reports      superintendent for the Nationals.
          Stone and Amy Young.                submitted. AKC Delegate and        The costs are substantially more
                                              AKC Education Summit. Both
          Bambi Walden joined 7:21PM          have been sent to Chow Life.       than expected. We may have to
          Kurt Williams out at 8:45PM         Margaret mentioned that the        raise entry fees. Maybe a way to
                                              AKC is still discussing the 1+1=1   reduce superintendent fees we
          Report of the President: (David     proposal. There has been no        could purchase or rent obedience
                                                                                 equipment, but the committee
                                              formal reading of wording of this
          Cook): MOTION: Albert/Ireland       proposal so it may take a few more   has asked several clubs and each
          to accept Vicki Ireland as Awards   months.                            has stated they do not rent out
          Chairperson. For: Heldt, Albert,                                       there supplies. Each jump must
          Dandridge, Banghart, DiCorleto,                                        have plastic down and this gets
          Brantley, Klein, Leonzio, Strachan,  2018 National Show Specialty:     costly. Of course if we purchase
          Sylvia, Ireland, Stone and Young.   (Carmen Blankenship): We had a     cost, storage and transport will
          Against: None Abstain: Williams.    very profitable National this year.   be difficult. Kathy will do a cost
          MOTION CARRIED.                     The auction was a great financial   analysis for Obedience Supplies.
                                              success. MOTION: Brantley/
          Report of the Recording             Williams to donate $2,500 to the   2020 National Show Specialty:
                                              CCCI Welfare Committee. For:
          Secretary (Linda Albert):  Report   Heldt, Walden, Albert, Dandridge,   (Cindy Stone): Cindy mentioned
          submitted.                          Banghart, DiCorleto, Brantley,     that the logo is being worked on
                                              Klein, Leonzio, Strachan, Sylvia,   and will be ready soon. They are
          Report of the Corresponding         Ireland, Stone and Young. Against:   working on the superintendent.
          Secretary: (Joyce Dandridge):       None. MOTION CARRIED.              They are working with the agenda
                 Report submitted. Joyce                                         to add more time for Obedience.
                 added that the new           2019 National Show Specialty:      The Canadian show is willing
                 Membership Application is    (Chawnecy Vaugh): Report           to add another show due to the
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