Page 28 - Chow LIfe - Winter 2018
P. 28
Board Minutes
Minutes of the Annual Board Meeting
April 16, 2018
Double Tree by Hilton — Tulsa, Oklahoma
Roll Call: David Cook, Michael Featuring chows in conformation National Show Planning Chair:
Heldt, Bambi Walden, Love Banghart, and performance events. MOTION: Michael Heldt: Michael received one
Linda Albert, Joyce Dandridge, Leonzio/Klein to extent the 2 bid from the Wine Country Chow
Margaret DiCorleto, Linda Brantley, year regional club approval. For: Chow Association.
Lisa Leonzio, Carol Ann Klein, Heldt, Walden, Banghart, Albert, Committee Reports:
Dan Strachan, Kathy Sylvia, Kurt Dandridge, DiCorleto, Brantley,
Williams, Michael Ireland, Cindy Leonzio, Klein, Strachan, Sylvia, Awards: Linda Brantley: We need
Stone and Amy Young Williams, Ireland, Stone and Young. to clarify the Health Award of
Excellence. MOTION: Brantley/
Call to Order: 8:00 AM Against: None. Abstain: None. Sylvia that the Health Award of
Report of the President: David ended her report that this will be her Excellence shall be given when
Cook: We need to fill two chairperson 18th and last year as Corresponding all health clearances need for the
positions. Kurt Williams has agreed Secretary. Health Award plus the patella’s
to be the 2020 National Specialty by a Board Certified Orthopedic
Show Liaison and Lisa Leonzio has Report of the Treasurer: Love Specialist and Board Certified
agreed to be the Awards Committee Banghart: Report submitted. Love Cardiologist Specialist by Doppler.
Chair. MOTION: Banghart/ mentioned that Lynette of the Audit For: Heldt, Walden, Banghart, Albert,
Dandridge to approve Kurt as 2020 Committee included analytic graphs Dandridge, DiCorleto, Brantley,
National Specialty Show Liaison and which is a great tool to help with Leonzio, Klein, Strachan, Sylvia,
Lisa Leonzio as Awards Committee understanding the treasurer’s records. Williams, Ireland, Stone and Young.
Chair. For: Heldt, Walden, Banghart, Report of the Delegate to the Against: None. Abstain: None.
Albert, Dandridge, DiCorleto, American Kennel Club: Margaret MOTION CARRIED. Linda thanked
Brantley, Leonzio, Klein, Strachan, DiCorleto: Report submitted. Cindy Stone for her work on the
Sylvia, Williams, Ireland, Stone and Margaret mentioned that she is the Facebook Auction that brought in
Young. Against: None. Abstain: secretary of the All-breed clubs $4,721.00 Kudos to Cindy!
None. MOTION CARRIED. We committee of the AKC. Through ROM: Lisa Leonzio: Very Quiet. Lisa
are also in need of a new Chow Life this committee Margaret is working will work with the regional clubs to
Editor. Discussion included possible on a handout to distribute at a dog assist members with the requirements
outsourcing the job, changing the show “Welcome to the Dog Show” for an ROM.
format. featuring proper way to approach Health: Debbie Spence: Report
Report of The Recording Secretary: dogs and have a great visit. The AKC submitted.
Linda Albert: The results of the last Museum is moving back to NYC.
judge’s poll was emailed to the board National Show Chair Reports: Audit: Lynette White: Report
in January. 2019 National: Pat Kennedy: The Submitted
Report of the Corresponding 2019 Show Chairs are working Historian: Dottie Everett: Joyce
Secretary: Dr. Joyce Dandridge: diligently. Logo Wear will be available mentioned that she has many of
Report submitted. Joyce printed the after Best of Breed judging. There Prudence Baxter’s photos and
Crufts Certificates. Purina money is a $9,000.00 food and Beverage breeding records between Dr.
is declining each year. Last year was stipulation in the contract. Everyone Imogene Earl and Pru Baxter. Joyce
$771.00, we need to continue to is working on fund raining ideas. will send copies of these records to
remind the members the benefits of They are going to add handicapped Sandra Miller. MOTION: Sylvia/
the Purina circles. Joyce received the rooms to the block of rooms. They Young to appoint Bambi Walden
stats of chow registrations from 2008 are spots for 12 RV’s no hookups at as the Historian Chairperson. For:
-2017. Love Banghart and Yvette $50.00 per day. Heldt, Walden, Banghart, Albert,
Ferguson were selected by the board 2018 National: Carmen Blankenship: Dandridge, DiCorleto, Brantley,
to be the Media Breed Representative There have been a few hiccups by Leonzio, Klein, Strachan, Sylvia,
as directed by the AKC. MJ Nelson David has been able to resolve them. Williams, Ireland, Stone and Young.
from Dog News has a This is a board sponsored National. Against: None. Abstain: None.
great article on The Chow Please everyone be available to MOTION CARRIED.
Chow, Teddy Bear Dog, anyone that needs assistance. Members Education: Dan Strachan: