Page 31 - Chow LIfe - Winter 2018
P. 31
Minutes of the Annual Membership Meeting
April 18, 2018
Double Tree by Hilton — Tulsa, Oklahoma
Roll Call: 62 Members were The new judge’s selection is being for the next 2 years. There are
present.1 guest. discussed. We would like to go to many Spear phishing going
a single ballot every year. With 16 on in the dog clubs. Please be
Call to order: at 5:35 PM CST Regional Clubs we would like each careful. Mark Dunn set stats on
club submit 2 names. The board
Chow Registrations. 2008 litter
will go over this list to delete registrations were 700, 2017 was
Approval of the Minutes General duplicates and at the general 431 litters. Dog registrations in
Meeting 04/12/2017: MOTION: meeting there will be a box where 2008 were 1288 and in 2017 they
Deborah Barrett/ Millie Sudduth members attending the National were 726.
to accept the minutes as published may submit a name. A ballot will
in Chow Life. FOR: 60 Against: 0 go out with these names and each Report of the Treasurer (Love
Abstain: 0 MOTION CARRIES. member will vote for 3. The top Banghart): Love mentioned that
vote getter will judge the National
and the second 2 will judge our audit committee is not only
Report of The President the regionals held during the checking that everything is in
(David Cook): David thanked nationals. 2020 National Specialty order she also is doing an analysis
EVERYONE for attending the Bid was approved by Wine on our income and expenses.
National. With the National Country Chow Chow Association. Lynette White is the chair and
getting smaller and smaller The board would like to offer help she has provided the board with
without the generosity of you and to the regional clubs. The Board is bar charts to assist the board
our sponsors it would be difficult. also looking into dealing with the in managing our expenses and
David introduced the board non-acceptable chow chow colors. areas we need to focus on such
members and stated that we are Michael Heldt has decided to step as memberships. The National
always looking for new members down as Chow Life Editor. We are is a great source of income, our
to the board or Committee currently looking for a new editor. auction helps the club to run
chairpersons. David mentioned each year. Membership dues are
we had a very productive board also a great source of income.
meeting. A few highlights Report of The Recording We have 377 members with 293
included revised By-Laws which Secretary (Linda Albert): Linda households. The Facebook auction
we are sending to the AKC for mentioned on another note that has been a wonderful source of
their approval then off to the at the AKC Meet the Breeds in income, interested chow owners
membership. We are adding a NYC, our booth won Best Booth that may wish to join. We are
junior membership, streamlining in SHOW! still using QuickBooks with two
our application process and accounts, the Club’s and Chow
changing officers to two year Report of the Corresponding Life.
terms to help with continuity. Secretary (Dr. Joyce Dandridge):
We would also like to be able to Joyce mentioned that she sent Report of the Delegate to
hold our annual membership out 15 applications, 11 new the American Kennel Club
meeting between March 15 and members packets. We received (Margaret DiCorleto): Margaret
December 01. All committee correspondence from AKC. They mentioned a few highlights from
assignments have been approved. would like everyone to check out the AKC Parent Club Meeting
Rhonda Price will now be the the AKC TV link from the AKC she attended. AKC strongly
Membership Welcome Committee Website. Joyce has the Crufts recommends that all clubs and
Chairperson. We approved a new Certificates. Purina is allowing their members get involved and
membership application which you to scan your receipts instead notify the AKC. The AKC is a
is online. We also approved a of mailing the UPC codes. This vital resource. The AKC has a
new modernized website. We program helps us with our health proposed rule change that would
are sending out a onetime ballot and educational programs. Please allow neutered/spayed dogs to
of the last 15 top judges selected go online to obtain how to do participate in BOB at
for 2019. Members will choose this. The regional clubs have regional Specialties. It was
2 judges and the top winner will been approved for the specialties turned down. The group
judge the 2019 CCCI National.