Page 30 - Chow LIfe - Winter 2018
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to create a maximum of 20 judges to   Chairperson. For: Heldt, Walden,   for a cash donation to the National
          appear on the ballot for The National   Banghart, Albert, Dandridge,   Specialty General Sponsor fund in
          Regular class judge, National      DiCorleto, Brantley, Leonzio, Klein,   the Show Manual. Carol will submit a
          Sweepstakes judge and Regional     Strachan, Sylvia, Williams, Ireland,   proposal. Bronze, Silver, Gold
          Specialty judges. A list of Regional   Stone and Young. Against: None.   CCCI Retention Policy: We need to
          and Members selected judges will   Abstain. MOTION CARRIED.            develop a policy for what’s to keep
          then be compiled to remove any     Names of nominating committee       and discard.
          duplicate judges and then mailed to   members are Deborah Hockaday,
          the entire membership 30 days after   Chauncey Vaughn, Tom Masog,      Chow Life Editor: We are in need of
          the National to vote on. Each CCCI   Layla Loveless, Ken Wronski and   an editor of Chow Life. This will be
          members will vote for 3 regular class   Sure Brough. MOTION Banghart/  brought up at the Annual General
          judges and one sweepstakes judge.   Albert to close the nominations. For:   Meeting.
          The top judge will judge the national   Heldt, Walden, Banghart, Albert,   Chow Colors: There is a breeder that
          the second and third top judges    Dandridge, DiCorleto, Brantley,     is registering chows with the AKC
          will judge the National Associated   Leonzio, Klein, Strachan, Sylvia,   and selling them as Merle Chows.
          Regionals.                         Williams, Ireland, Stone and Young.   Margaret spoke with the AKC and we
          This will be discussed further at the   Against: None. Abstain. MOTION   can submit a customer driven DNA
          General meeting for membership     CARRIED               Committee     complaint. MOTION: Strachan/Klein
          input and voted upon at the        members are Deborah Hockaday        that we continue in executive session.
          reconvened meeting.                and Sue Brough First alternate: Ken   For: Heldt, Walden, Banghart, Albert,
                                             Wronski second alternate: Layla
                                                                                 Dandridge, DiCorleto, Brantley,
          New Members: MOTION: Brantley/     Loveless.                           Leonzio, Klein, Strachan, Sylvia,
          Young to approve the following for                                     Williams, Ireland, Stone and Young.
          Membership: Darryl Howell, Daniel   2019 Judges Ballot Process: Linda   Against: None. Abstain. MOTION
          Walker, Ludivine Laperriere and    will mail the top 15 judges from    CARRIED.
          Katie Mirabelli, subject to no letters   the preference poll to the general   MOTION: Albert/Walden to
          received after 60 days published   members. They will vote for one     get out of executive session. For:
          in Chow Life. For: Heldt, Walden,   regular class judge and one sweeps   Heldt, Walden, Banghart, Albert,
          Banghart, Albert, Dandridge,       and that will be the only ballot.   Dandridge, DiCorleto, Brantley,
          DiCorleto, Brantley, Leonzio, Klein,   MOTION: Banghart/Brantley that we   Leonzio, Klein, Strachan, Sylvia,
          Strachan, Sylvia, Williams, Ireland,   change for this year only for the 2019   Williams, Ireland, Stone and Young.
          Stone and Young. Against: None.    judge’s selection that the top 15 from   Against: None. Abstain. MOTION
          Abstain. MOTION CARRIED.           the judges preference poll be sent out   CARRIED.
          2020 National Bid: Marianne Smart.   to the membership as the final ballot.   Tables used for rescue at CCCI
                                             The top 5 vote getters that accept to
          Grand Island, Niagara Falls Dates:   judge under the budget constraints   National: MOTION: Strachan/
          April 26- April 30. Canadian Shows   as laid out in show manual will be   Williams to return $150 to Cindy
          are May 01- May 03 Hotels are      our National Specialty judges. For:   Stone and give 2 gratis tables and
          $139.00 with $75.00 onetime pet fee.   Heldt, Walden, Banghart, Albert,   more if space is available for 2018
          No food minimum and 175 room       Dandridge, DiCorleto, Brantley,     and future specialties provided
          nights. RV parking no hook ups.    Leonzio, Klein, Strachan, Sylvia,   at club expense for tables. For:
          MOTION: Brantley/Heldt to accept   Williams, Ireland, Stone and Young.   Heldt, Walden, Banghart, Albert,
          the bid for the 2020 Chairpersons,   Against: None. Abstain. MOTION    Dandridge, DiCorleto, Brantley,
          contracts and logo subject to revised   CARRIED.                       Leonzio, Klein, Strachan, Sylvia,
          changes from Wine Country Chow                                         Williams, Ireland, Stone and Young.
          Chow Club. For: Heldt, Walden,     Regional Club Support: Our          Against: None. Abstain. MOTION
          Banghart, Albert, Dandridge,       Regional Clubs need our help. What   CARRIED.
          DiCorleto, Brantley, Leonzio, Klein,   can we do to support these clubs?
          Strachan, Sylvia, Williams, Ireland,   AKC is aware of the problems.   Next meeting after the reconvened
          Stone and Young. Against: None.    They will help regional clubs with   meeting: July 15, 2018 7 PM
          Abstain. MOTION CARRIED.           suggestions. Cater to pet people.   EST.
                                             Education and offering non AKC
          Nominating Committee:  David       conformation events. Breeders can   MOTION: Brantley/Williams to
          opened the floor for nominations   ask their pet owners to join and be   recess at 5:02 pm For: Heldt, Walden,
          for the nominating committee chair.   active in the club. Support rescue   Banghart, Albert, Dandridge,
          Love nominates Michael Ireland as   chows.                             DiCorleto, Brantley, Leonzio, Klein,
          Nominating Committee Chairperson.                                      Strachan, Sylvia, Williams, Ireland,
          Michael accepts the Nominating     National Specialty Sponsorship:     Stone and Young. Against: None.
          Committee Chairperson Position.    Fundraising, we need better         Abstain. MOTION CARRIED.
          Walden/Young to accept Michael     recognition for all the supporters.
          Ireland as Nomination Committee    We will specify what the perks are

                                                       This page sponsored by
                                              Phil & Vicki DeGruy, Thunderhill Chow Chows

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