Page 29 - Chow LIfe - Winter 2018
P. 29

Dan would like to submit a survey   her committee. She has a complete   Unfinished Business:
          to the membership to see what       inventory. Amy will sell any extra   Revised CCCI By-Laws: Many items
          they are interested in. Topics to   logo wear at the 2019 Florida      are simply housekeeping. We need to
          possible set up webinars. Dan would   National.                        change a few items: Article 2, Section
          like to write articles for Chow Life   Publicity: Love Banghart: Report   2.1 B: International Membership.
          on AKC TV, ROM for Dummies,         submitted. Status of new website:   Admitted to membership approval
          Awards for Dummies. Possible        Every board member must follow the   after the date will not be able to
          having an education on Estate       link provided and send Love your   vote. C: Adding Junior Membership.
          Planning, Legal procedures. Find    input.  MOTION: Brantley/Leonzio:   Section 2.3 Election of Membership.
          out what educational information    that all board members review the   Section 2.4  Add advertising Section
          the membership would like to see    new website by May 15 and email    3, Article 111 section 3.2 to change
          featured at the nationals.          Love your thoughts and comments.   two year terms. Section 3.3 B to
          Judges Education: Mary Wuest:       For: Heldt, Walden, Banghart, Albert,  delete First from First Vice-President,
          MOTION: Brantley/Dandridge that     Dandridge, DiCorleto, Brantley,    C: Recording Secretary and D:
          in order for a mentor to present a   Leonzio, Klein, Strachan, Sylvia,   Corresponding Secretary to clarify
          seminar the mentor must attend a    Williams, Ireland, Stone and Young.   duties. Section 4, Article IV Meetings
          National Sponsored Educational      Against: None. Abstain. MOTION     and voting. Added date changes
          refresher course every 3 years. For:   CARRIED.                        (to open the National Specialty
          Heldt, Walden, Banghart, Albert,    MOTION: Banghart/ Klein that       to be held until December 1) and
          Dandridge, DiCorleto, Brantley,     we pay Phil DeGruy $4,000.00 in    responsibilities of corresponding
          Leonzio, Klein, Strachan, Sylvia,    4 equal installments quarterly of   secretary. The rest is clarify wording.
          Williams, Ireland, Stone and Young.   $1000.00 after the initial payment of   MOTION: Banghart/Brantley to
          Against: None. Abstain: None.       $1,000.  $1,800 annually. Subject to   Draft the format, send to the AKC
          MOTION CARRIED. Discussion          the final approval of the board. For:   for their approval the sent to the
          also included possible offering the   Heldt, Walden, Banghart, Albert,   general membership for voting. For:
          judges materials on a thumb drive   Dandridge, DiCorleto, Brantley,    Heldt, Walden, Banghart, Albert,
          or CD. The information is on the    Leonzio, Klein, Strachan, Sylvia,   Dandridge, DiCorleto, Brantley,
          website yet it is a very large file.   Williams, Ireland, Stone and Young.   Leonzio, Klein, Strachan, Sylvia,
          MOTION: Brantley/Leonzio that we    Against: None. Abstain. MOTION     Williams, Ireland, Stone and Young.
          charge $25.00 to the participants of   CARRIED.                        Against: None. Abstain. MOTION
          the judge’s seminary to cover printing     We participate in 2 Meet the   CARRIED.
          cost. For: Heldt, Walden, Banghart,   Breeds each year. One in Florida and   Membership Application:
          Albert, Dandridge, DiCorleto,       one in NYC. This year we are pleased   MOTION: Klein/Strachan to
          Brantley, Leonzio, Klein, Strachan,   to say that we won BEST BOOTH in   approve the membership application
          Sylvia, Williams, Ireland, Stone and   SHOW in NYC.                    as amended. For: Heldt, Walden,
          Young. Against: None. Abstain.      Club Publication: Michael Heldt:   Banghart, Albert, Dandridge,
          MOTION CARRIED.                     Report submitted.                  DiCorleto, Brantley, Leonzio, Klein,
          Obedience and Performance: Kathy    Show Manual: Carol Ann Klein: No   Strachan, Sylvia, Williams, Ireland,
          Sylvia: Report submitted. We are    changes until after this specialty.  Stone and Young. Against: None.
          seeing the number of entries lower                                     Abstain. MOTION CARRIED.
          but encourage to see that CGC is up.   Welfare: Elaine Albert: Elaine has   Judges Poll: Discussion included
          We are getting more chows entering n   one small pending request. Hasn’t   to revise the Judges poll to shorten
          Coursing and Barn Hunt work. There   received many requests. Cindy will   the list and have more participation
          are more Obedience Regulations.     put our Welfare Committee info on   from the regional clubs. Every
          There is an excellent article on    her website and our Facebook page.  CCCI approved Regional Club
          training Chows in Obedience in Dog   Welcome: Janie Pohlman: Janie     secretary will submit the names
          News. Kathy is currently working    has contacted the new member       of 2 conformation judges and one
          on Herding, Chase VS. Stock work    applicants.                        sweepstakes judge. These names will
          to learn more about this before she   Advocacy Committee: Dan          be mailed or emailed to the Regional
          presents it to the board.           Strachan: Many AR Groups are       Club Liaison by March 1 of each
          Rules and Procedures: Michael       placing ads in large cities to attack pet  year. At the In-Person membership
          Heldt: Report submitted. Michael is   stops for purchasing from Back yard   meeting a list of submitted names
          currently working on adding items to   breeders.  Maryland want to only   by the regional clubs will be
          the R&P that hasn’t been addressed.  have rescue groups placing puppies.   made available to the members in
          Regional Club Liaison: Michael      The All breed clubs are trying to   attendance. At that time a judge
          Heldt: Michael has given out 49     fight this, not for the pet shops by to   submission form will be made
          CCCI medallions to the regional     offer a breeds right to sell puppies   available for additional names to be
          clubs. He has sent the spreadsheet to   to families. The AKC is helping   submitted by any CCCI members
          Lisa.                               with this. Now there is an HOA in   attending the meeting, and
                                              Kentucky that is banning 15 breeds.
          Ways and Means: Amy Young:          Bill Buell is looking at anti hunting   must be submitted at the
                                                                                 end of the meeting. These
          Amy has added Marisol Allen to      dog legislation in NC.             submitted names will be used
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