Page 33 - Chow LIfe - Winter 2018
P. 33
limited entries, 200 dogs per show. would like to see a possible back from the AKC. The only
challenge discount to an ad in issue is the time frame to extend
Show Planning Committee: Chow life for attending Regionals. our national specialty and the
The bigger incentive based on
annual meeting. Margaret will add
(Michael Heldt): Nothing new to more regionals attended the the new wording and submit to
report. larger the discount. Carol Ann AKC again.
mentioned a regional club section
Committee Reports: to include history of the club. Judges Ballot Selection: We
Awards: (Linda Brantley): No need proper wording for our new
report submitted. Ways and Means: (Amy Young): judge’s selection and the years that
Report submitted. Amy would they can judge. MOTION: Heldt/
ROM: (Lisa Leonzio): Report like to use the Front Row Seating Brantley to amend wording that
camping chairs with the National
the Associated Specialties judges
submitted. Lisa is working with Logo and your kennel name will be selected from the list of
Carol Ann to put a short article embroidered to purchase a chair judges on that year’s ballot by
in Chow Life to help members in advance and save this spot for the board. Add the ballot must
submit paperwork for ROM’s. your national viewing spot. Amy be returned with 45 days to the
can sell them for $100 each. recording secretary. For: Heldt,
Audit: (Lynette White): No Walden, Albert, Dandridge,
report submitted. Publicity: (Love Banghart): Banghart, DiCorleto, Brantley,
Report submitted. Sheree Klein, Leonzio, Strachan, Sylvia,
Ireland, Stone and Young. Against:
Health: (Deb Spence): No report Chan is retiring as Facebook None. MOTION CARRIED.
submitted. Administrator for the Chow Club
this year.
Judges Education: (Mary Wuest): New Business:
Report submitted. Since Mary Club Publication: (Michael Mentor Requirements:
is judging the National, David Heldt & Carol Ann Klein): Discussion included the
will handle the judge’s seminar Reports submitted. requirements seem to exclude
this year. Kurt mentioned that many chow chow fanciers today.
we should allow everyone to Welcome Committee: (Rhonda 15 champions are many for a
attend this seminar, non-judges, Prince): Report submitted. small breeder.
breeders, etc.
Museum of Dogs Hall of Fame
Members Education: (Dan Show Manual: (Carol Ann Pledge: MOTION: DiCorleto/
Strachan): Dan is working on a Klein): Report submitted. Carol Dandridge that CCCI pledge
Ann added that she would like
short CCCI member survey. 9 to work on updating the RV $2,500 ($500 a year for 5 years)
questions. He would like board accommodations. to be recognized in the Museum
members to review survey and of Dogs Hall of Fame. For: Heldt,
provide him input Walden, Albert, Dandridge,
Banghart, DiCorleto, Brantley,
. Welfare: (Elaine Albert): No Klein, Leonzio, Strachan, Sylvia,
Companion Obedience and requests submitted Ireland, Stone and Young. Against:
Performance (Kathy Sylvia): None. MOTION CARRIED.
Report submitted. We are seeing Advocacy: (Dan Strachan):
increased entries in performance Report given. It’s been very quiet!
events. Spectators watching and Next Meeting: October 28, 2018
showing interest in working their 7PM EST
dogs. Nominating Committee:
(Michael Ireland): Michael is MOTION: Stone/Strachan to
almost ready to submit his report
Legal: (Michael Heldt): Report to the recording secretary. adjourn at 9:31 PM EST For:
submitted. Walden. Albert, Dandridge,
Banghart, DiCorleto, Brantley,
Unfinished Business: Leonzio, Strachan, Sylvia,
Regional Club Liaison: (Lisa Williams, Ireland, Stone
Leonzio): Report submitted. and Young. Against: None.
We have one less club, Pacific By-Law Revision: (Margaret MOTION CARRIED
Northwest has disbanded. Lisa DiCorleto): Margaret has heard