Page 14 - BB_August_2018_073018
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            Shortages of framing lumber are now more
            widespread than at any time since NAHB                Share of Builders Reporting Shortages*
            began tracking the issue in 1994, according              (% of Respondents Who Purchase the Material)
            to results from the May 2018 survey for the

            NAHB/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index.

               More than 30%
            of single-family         …the May 2018 reading
            builders responding
            to the surveys special        of 31%
            questions in May              is the highest
            reported this shortage,   shortage percentage
            outdistancing              for framing lumber
            the other 22 listed
            building products and
            materials by a wide margin. In second place were
            trusses (with a shortage reported by 24% of builders),
            followed by lightweight steel and OSB (at 20% each)
            and plywood (at 19%).
               The survey taken last year revealed a much better
            picture: The shortage percentages for these items                               *Either serious or some shortage
            were significantly lower – 21% for framing lumber and
            under 15% for all other products/materials.         2004, when the nation was in the midst of a housing
                                                                boom and the annual rate of housing starts often
               It is probably not a coincidence that the top five
            items on the 2018 list are made of lumber or steel, as   exceeded 2 million (compared to the current rate of
            each of these building materials have been targeted   about 1.3 million).
            by the Trump administration with new import tariffs                                      NAHB JULY 2018
            over the past year.
               As noted above, the May 2018 reading of 31% is
            the highest shortage percentage for framing lumber
            since NAHB incorporated the question into its HMI
            survey in September 1994. The second-highest
            reading of 24% was recorded in October

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