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                                                                                            SHARE, 2016
                                                                                                 5% OR LESS

                                                                                                 >5% - 7%
                                                                                                 >7% - 9%

                                                                                                 9% OR HIGHER

                                                                           Source: 2016 American Community Survey, NAHB Estimates

               The spatial analysis provides                                  sharers contains several states with
            additional insights into house                                    the above average headship rates,
            sharing arrangements of young                                     such as Colorado and Oregon,
            adults. The list of states with the            1 in 3             where 11% of young adults are house
            largest segments of house sharers                                 sharers. District of Columbia, known
            includes states with some of the        Young Adults              as a city of transients, stands out for
            most expensive housing markets,             live with             housing the nation’s highest share
            such as California, Hawaii, and New                               of 25-34 year old house/roommates
            York – where one in ten 25-34 year          parents,              at 20%. At the same time, due to its
            olds are sharing their homes (and                                 relatively stable job market, DC’s
            presumably, expensive housing               relatives             headship rates are well above the
            costs) with unrelated roommates or                                nation’s average, with 45% of young
            housemates. These states also stand         or share              adults leading their own households.
            out for having some of the lowest        housing with             North Dakota simultaneously
            headship rates (the share of young                                registers the highest headship
            adults who are household heads) in       nonrelatives             rate of 54% and one of the highest
            the nation.                                                       segments of house sharers, 9%,
               At the same time, the list of states                           among young adults.
            with the largest segments of house                                                        NAHB JULY 2018

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