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“While we provide a wireless pill minder, we also   Additionally, Johnson said, “In some jurisdictions,
            monitor the cabinet where medicines are kept with   hospital-grade equipment is used in the patient’s
            a small, hard-wired door sensor. We monitor for falls   bedroom. A very secure network is required, in many
            and slips with an RFID bracelet and accelerometer,   cases separate from the house’s internet connection,
            which has multiple hard-wire readers placed around   to allow transfer of data between the patient portal
            the house,” Johnson said.                           and the attending medical staff.”
               “In all of our projects, we start with developing a   Safety and Simplicity
            lighting plan around the family’s lifestyle,” Johnson   As with an audio/video installation, a properly
            notes. “As we age, our eyesight begins to reduce,   ventilated equipment rack tucked away in its own
            thus the need for more lighting. LED fixtures and   lockable closet is often a must.
            replacement lamps with the proper                                    Other considerations: Dedicated
            color hue and lumens are important,                               wiring space in bathrooms (away
            as is how we control them. We work                                from water and plumbing), light
            to get the most natural lighting      “   We see                  switches placed lower on the walls,
            possible by using blinds and shades.”                             and receptacle outlets in higher-

            PART 2: KEEP IT SIMPLE                    increased               than-usual locations to make
               The cost of caring for an aging        interest in             everything easily accessible for a user
            relative can be daunting. As Ric          remodeling              with limited mobility.
            Johnson, CAPS, of Ohio’s Right at                                    “Because we require pressure
            Home Technologies notes, “Our             one’s home              sensors on the floor and RFID readers
            experience shows that nursing care        to age                  embedded in wall locations near the
            runs around $7,250 per month for full                             baseboard, additional shielding is
            service. That includes three meals,       comfortably…            necessary to protect the wiring from
            snacks, onsite nursing. Alzheimer’s                               trim nails and the like,” Johnson said.
            nursing care can start at $9,300 or more   –Ric Johnson              Technology integrators know the
            per month at a specialized facility.”      Owner                  proper cabling techniques to ensure
               Renovating an existing home or          Right at Home          that signal interference is eliminated.
            adding a room or suite of rooms to         Technologies              But how does one overcome
            a home for an aging relative has                                  “technology phobia” — how does an
            benefits beyond monthly savings,                                  integrator make these systems easy
            Johnson said. “Providing upgrades                                 to use for both the aging individual
            so that an Alzheimer’s patient can stay in a familiar   and their loved ones?
            location — and around family members — not only        “First, most of the equipment we provide is
            reduces overall cost, but also slows the progression   hidden and works without additional touch, much
            slightly, allowing for a better quality of life.”   like a security system — but in our case, without the

               Johnson’s bona fides include the NAHB Certified   arming and disarming functions,” Johnson said.
            Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS) professional       “Our equipment reports activity or lack thereof.
            designation. “CAPS provides builders, designers,    Lighting comes on and off automatically, following
            technologists, nurses and others the necessary      the natural progression of the day with additional
            background to provide for this growing market,”     sensors that keep lights on during times of darkness
            he said.                                            due to storms or clouds, by using photocells to

               Anyone who carries this designation into a new   override programing at those times.
            home or remodeling project will have a handle on       “Yes, we have touchscreens and keypads, but
            the details: As Johnson noted, the builder needs to   they are normally used by caregivers for particular
            coordinate closely with the electrical contractor and   reasons. Most of the ’technology’ is already familiar
            technologist, because additional dedicated 20 amp   to the user, such as messaging or emailing alerts,
            circuits are needed for sensors and other devices.  warning lights, and so on.”
                                                                                                     NAHB JUNE 2018

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