Page 28 - BB_August_2018_073018
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It’s All in the Details for

                 Transitional Elevation Design

                  he art of new home design has always been     the elevation away
                  a continuous process of innovation and        from the traditional
            T evolution, driven by changing consumer            while still holding
            preferences and advances in building materials and   onto the roots.
            technology.                                            The picture
               Traditionally, home design has been driven by    here shows a
            historic precedents that pull from European roots:   design that has
            styles such as Tuscan, Spanish, Italian, etc. Similarly,   fully transitioned   Transitional design with Spanish
            colonial architecture, the American farmhouse and   away from the        elements. Photos by Chris Mayer.
            mid-century modernism all have influenced our built   traditional.
            environment.                                           Windows are grouped around a corner and tied
               The latest step on this journey is transitional   together vertically in a contemporary pattern that
            design: homes that reference a familiar aesthetic   also allows natural light to reach the interior.
            but take it in a new direction with cleaner lines and   Similarly, the standard trellis above the windows
            purposeful details.                                 morphs into an eyebrow. Even the massing changes:
               Mastering this next step in architectural evolution   Rather than the gable end, the parapet wall
            means understanding new ways to employ the          reinforces the strong corner forms and accentuates
            foundations of                                      the difference between solid and void.
            design: form,                                       New Thinking
            massing, details,
            color, and material.                                   Don’t get
                                                                trapped into
            Traditional to                                      thinking that
            Transitional                                        a traditional

               Details that                                     plan must have
            reference the        Traditional Spanish architecture.   a traditional
            historic Spanish                                    elevation.
            architecture                                           In the two
            aesthetic seen in the traditional example in the first   photos to the right,
            photo on the right — stucco, arches, balconies and   both elevations
            iron — remain in the updated expressions below.     have been
            Incorporating                                       extruded from the
                                                                same 40-foot-wide,
            Transitional                                        2,800-square-foot    Photos by A.G. Photography
            Elements                                            plan.
               Further along                                       The traditional elevation on the left relies on
            the design                                          decorative elements and familiar forms, while the
            spectrum, as                                        modern elevation draws its sculptural expression
            shown in the next    Incorporating transitional     from the interplay of solid and void, as well as linear
            photo, transitional   elements.                     planes. There is also continuity in this expression
            elements such as                                    from front to rear.
            the banding corner windows, the geometric forms                                          NAHB JUNE 2018
            around the entry, and a negative arch, start moving

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